Chapter 13- Vengeance

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*Jean's POV* (because Marco is "dead")

A few days or supposed weeks ago, a few of my friends were arrested by the titans. One of them almost got killed, but thankfully they escaped and returned safe and sound, maybe counting the fact that the stupid one got injured as an exception.

The good news is, Reiner, and I hope the real Reiner, was killed that day. And that arrest would probably never happen again. At least I wished that. I guess it came true because nobody got arrested anymore, but I forgot to count that there wasn't going to be any kidnapping. Because of that, Sasha and Connie got kidnapped.

I don't know how it happened. We were wondering where they were the entire morning. They both weren't in their rooms, probably not even in the house. We checked the security system to see what the hidden CCTV cameras have recorded last night. We saw both of them getting kidnapped, along with another victim of the titans who is so far unknown. And then the kidnappers, who were titans, ran off.

Erwin decided not to send anyone to save them, he thought they were strong enough to save themselves. Everyone disagreed (but followed anyway) but I guess he's right. Sasha and Connie escaped one attempt of being taken hostage, I'm sure they'll get out of this one too.

Right now I was staring outside the window beside the front door waiting for their return. I had a gun in case they came with unexpected guests. Mikasa and Armin were with me. The rest were out doing chores or something.

It was weird holding this gun. Its been a couple years since my last kill. It didn't feel right, but didn't feel very wrong either. I haven't held one of these since...well you see where I'm going.

Well, on the bright side, our group has been increasing. First Isabel, then that other girl named Hitch, hopefully Farlan will come and join us too, but Isabel hasn't said anything about him yet.

Maybe someday, we'll have enough people to defeat the titans, and finally live in peace. But I'm just dreaming, something like that will most likely not happen. Or in this case never gonna happen.

I can't even find a reason for why I was thinking too much. I should be focusing on my job, to keep a lookout for Sasha and Connie, and shoot any titan who's following them. But the bullets in our guns weren't for killing. When used, the victim would be unconscious for about ten minutes. So we drag the titans to the attic and question them.

I snapped back to reality when I realized Sasha and Connie came back. No one was with them, except one person I couldn't see very well at this distance. But as they went closer, it was clear.

It was Annie.

That evil titan, that murderer, that demon. She was the one who killed Marco, and led the explosion of our school which caused so much other deaths. She's responsible for my downfall, and she deserves to die.

Why aren't the two of them attacking her? Did they side with her or something? Or maybe they're just pretending to do so to lure her here. Finally, its about time these two thought of a brilliant plan.

As they slammed the door open, the first thing I did was shoot Annie on the waist. She fell forward, and collapsed, falling unconscious.

"Jean what the hell are you doing!?" Sasha yelled.

"Why are you asking!? She's the head of all the titans, she needs to be executed!!" I yelled back, "Mikasa, Armin, you know what to do. Take her to the attic."

"Hai!" they both saluted before carrying Annie's unconscious body and scurrying upstairs.

Connie scratched his head, "Didn't you just kill her!? Why are they taking her to the attic!? Don't tell me you're gonna burn her body in the attic or something!"

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