First Dates (Part 2)

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Roy Walker (The Fall): With your eyes closed, you focused on the summer breeze tickling your skin, the smell of freshly cut grass, and the soothing voice reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. You could feel sleep luring you as Roy gently ran his fingers through your hair. This first date with Roy had been a sweet affair so far. He had a picnic basket in the back seat of his convertible when he picked you up. He drove to a park nearby and found a spot under a tree. You helped him laid out the blanket and the spread he had prepared. Before long, your head was laying on Roy's lap, listening to him read.

You couldn't quite believe your luck but Roy is a Class A gentleman with a great sense of humor and an adorable face. You glanced up to find him focused on the words printed on the pages. His hazel green eyes twinkled under the sunlight. You reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the story. He placed the open book on the space next to him.

"Sleepy?" he asked with a grin.

"A little," you smiled back lazily, draping his arm over your torso. "Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon," you added.

"It's my pleasure," Roy ran his free hand through his hair, pushing back the fallen locks. The two of you allowed the silence to sit comfortably in the air, something that you appreciated. It was easy to find someone you could talk to, but to find someone to sit comfortably in silence with, that was tough.

Whit Coutell (Ceremony): "Are you sure about this Whit? You've already spent a hundred dollars," you pursed your lips, uncertain about Whit's decision to fork out another five bucks to the carny who was manning the booth. Whit picked up the BB gun and aimed it at the moving metal ducks.

"I promised I'll win that bear for you, and I intend to keep that promise," he muttered stubbornly before closing an eye to help with his aim. Whit's persistence over the past half an hour had gained quite an audience. There was now a crowd of people standing around the booth, cheering him on.

However, the next three shots were equally unsuccessful. He came close each time, with either one miss or two, but you insisted that the game was rigged and the stuffed toy wasn't worth the amount he was spending. He could have gotten you a bear doubled the size with that money. But that was the thing about Whit. When he set his mind on something, he would go all out to achieve the goal. You just didn't realize he would be this way with a carnival game.

As Whit proceeded to fork out the cash for another round, you stopped him from taking another shot; instead you took the gun from his grasp and held it in place. You took in a deep breath as you aimed at the moving ducks. One after another, you took them down. Before you knew it, you had hit three targets. The crowd applauded as the carny handed you the stuffed toy. You were grinning from ear to ear when you turned to meet Whit who was stunned by the recent display.

"I didn't know you can shoot that well," he said with a growing smile.

"You never asked," you smirked and handed him the bear. "For you."

Whit shook his head and chuckled softly. He hugged the bear with one arm before draping the other around your shoulders, pulling you close as he led you further into the colorfully lit carnival.

Garrett (Twilight): Your eyes rolled back as your eyelids fluttered shut. You were acutely aware of Garrett's lips as his teeth grazed lightly against that sweet spot on your neck. You struggled to remember how you ended up on the leather couch in his apartment, with Garrett's body pinned against yours. You vaguely remembered him greeting you by the front door, him inviting you in, him seated next to you on the couch with just the right amount of space between the two of you as you watched Rain Man since it was conveniently on TV. Next thing you know he inched closer next to you with his arm draped lazily over the top of the couch. It started with his fingers curling and uncurling a lock of your hair, and then you were leaning on his shoulder, and next thing you know his arm was wrapped around you, holding you close. One thing led to another, and here you were.

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