Chapter 1: Gabrielle

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Gabrielle looks around at the bodies of her army around her.

"You fools. I told you not to advance but what do you do? You disobey me and get yourselves killed. Now where am I supposed to find a replacement army?"

Gabrielle wistles and Argo gallops toward her from out of the woods.

"Looks like it's just you and me again girl. I suppose I could go home and see if anyone there would be willing to spare some men and supplies for an old friend. If we leave now, we will be there before nightfall."

Gabrielle leaps onto the saddle and urges Argo in the direction of her hometown, Potedaea. She arives during the evening meal so the town is fairly quiet. She gallops up to her childhood house. Her sister Lilla hears the hoof beats and runs outside.

"Gabrielle? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to restock. I need your best men and weapons."

"Restock for what?"

"My army. I have to avenge the death of Xena!"

"For Zeus sake Gabrielle, it's been ten years."

"Ten long hell filled years. They will pay for the guilt she felt and they will pay for her giving her life for them."

"Who's they?"

"Anyone who opposes Amphipolis and anyone who stands in my way."

"Do you really think that is what Xena wants?"

"What does it matter? She's gone. She died trying to protect what she called innocent people and they will pay for what they did to her."

"Look at yourself Gabrielle. You aren't a warrior, you're a murderer."

"I see this one of two ways, Lilla. You can give me what I want, join me peacefully, and recieve a high position, or you can oppose me and lose the lives of your friends and possibly even yourself."

Lilla steps closer and Gabrielle draws her sword in warning. Lilla gives Gabrielle a pleading look.

"Please reconsider this life. Killing people won't bring Xena back."

"You insolent child!"

Gabrielle swings the hilt of her sword and strikes Lilla, knocking her unconscious. By now a crowd has gathered. Gabrielle straightens herself and glances around.

"I need your strongest men and finest weapons to rebuilt my army. Anyone who doesn't cooperate will be meeting Hades today."

At that moment a familiar cry sends shivers down Gabrielle's spine. 

"Callisto?" She breathed. A smile spreads across her face as her once sworn enemy came into view.

"Oh sweet little Gabrielle. What a coincidence, dontcha think? What are you doing back here?"

"What do you want Callisto?"

"Want? I want the same thing you want. I came back because I was tired of being good while the person who saved me is trapped in the Underworld. I want to avenge her death as much as you do."

"Why Potedaea?"

"I was hoping I would find you. I want you to help me lead my new army. We can do great things Gabrielle. We can make this world the way Xena would have wanted it."

"I'll join you under one condition. You spare my sister. She'll make a good slave."

"We have a deal."

Callisto and Gabrielle dismount and aproach each other, shaking on their agreement. Callisto turns to her men.

"Capture the strong and put the weaklings out of their misery. Any potential slaves are to be spared. Don't touch Gabrielle or the girl."

Gabrielle grins at Callisto.

"There was one point in time where I would have done anything to see you dead. Now I understand why you did what you did. I understand you."

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