Chapter 11

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Xena helps Lilla to the village and takes her to the hospice.

"I'm not hurt that bad, Xena. I want to fight."

"Lilla, you aren't experienced enough."

"You took Gabrielle with you and she wasn't experienced."

"I also protected her and wouldn't let her fight. She picked up a weapon once before she was trained with a staff and it nearly got her killed."

"I'm not Gabrielle."

"No, you're not which is why I want you to stay here. Gabrielle needs you. You're her sister."

"I think you may be forgetting, she made me a slave."

"She saved you from being killed with the other women and children."

"Does that not concern you? The fact that she killed women and children?"

"I have a lot of questions that need answering. Like why Eve decided to return to her former body as Callisto and how Solan became Hades right hand man. Why Gabrielle did what she did is a question that is already answered. She did it for me. I have forgiven her because that is what you do when you love someone."

Lilla looks up and notices that Gabrielle was standing in the doorway.


"Lilla, I'm sorry. I was selfish and I was thinking only of myself. It may be hard for you to forgive me, I haven't even forgiven myself, but please try to find it in your heart to give me a chance to turn my life around."

"I forgive you because you are my sister and I love you."

"Now you rest. Xena and I have to get ready for the second attack."

Xena stands and walks out with Gabrielle.

"I was thinking, why should we wait for them to attack? We can attack them from the inside. Have the men you freed take our men as prisoners and institute an attack from the inside."

"I was about to suggest the same thing."

"Now there is something I need you to do. I need you to go with them. Convince the army that you attacked your own men to trick me into trusting you again. When the fight starts, leave the camp and meet me where we first met. I want to talk to you."

Gabrielle nods and walks off. Xena finds Callisto with Solan.

"Callisto, why did you do it? Why did you give up your life as Eve and how?"

"I learned a lot from Ares after your death about who I was and how I came to be Eve. I have both realities now in my memory. I needed both to understand myself completely. You saved me and I wanted to do the same for you. I couldn't do that as Eve. I'm still your daughter, just in the body of a friend. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do and Solan, how did you come to be assistant to Hades?"

"I offered to help him. To restore what belonged to the gods."


"Because I knew it would put me in a position of trust."

"You are a very smart young man."

Xena leans over and kisses his forehead. She stands, signaling Callisto to follow her. She tells Callisto of her plans. They meet Gabrielle with the others and they put the plan in motion.

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