Chapter 3- Gabrielle

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Gabrielle stands up and walks back to camp, "Listen up and listen good. When you get to Amphipolis, I don't just what you to attack Draco, I want you to destroy anything and everything in that town. Leave no survivors."

"Gabrielle, what are you doing?" Callisto stood a few feet behind her.

"What I should have done to begin with. Destroying every memory of her, starting with her family and her home."

"Is THAT what you meant when you said you knew what you had to do? Because that doesn't sound like a carefully planned idea."

"Too late, Callisto. The army has to follow my orders. Men, leave at first light. Take the slaves with you, show them what will happen to them if they try to escape. Callisto and I will go on ahead and meet you there."

Gabrielle whistles for Argo, "Get your horse Callisto."

"I don't understand why you're doing this."

"Yes you do. We have to do what we can to keep going. I have to let go of her but I can't with memories of her lying around."

Callisto and Gabrielle ride away from the camp, toward Amphipolis. 

"What is this really about Gabrielle?"

"I told you already."

"That isn't who you are. You aren't a ruthless killer."

"I guess you don't know me as well as you thought."

"I guess not."

They ride in silence for a while and Callisto sends out a thought to Xena, "If you can hear this, please try your hardest to come back. I hope Solan has found you. Your best bet is to manipulate Ares like I did. Just hurry please. We need you. Your family needs you. Gabrielle needs you."

After a few miles Callisto turns to Gabrielle, "We need to stop and rest. We are already well ahead of the army and if we wake at first light, we can reach Amphipolis by midday."

"Alright. Lay out the blankets."

They lie down and drift off to sleep.

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