Chapter 1- Xena

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Xena shakes her head. How can Gabrielle be doing what she is doing? Xena allows herself to feel the pain she caused her friend. She sits in silence, feeling the hatred and bitterness in Gabrielle's thoughts and heart. The screams of the tormented souls around her don't phase her at all. She realizes what she has to do if she wants to make this right.

"Hades, I know you can hear me. We need to talk."

To her surprise it isn't Hades but rather her son, Solan, who comes to her.

"Mother, I'm glad I've found you. I looked in the Elysian Fields but you weren't there. Why are you in Tartarus."

"I chose to be. Where's Hades?"

"He's in his castle. I'm doing some of his duties for him and I think I know what you want. Gabrielle is out of control. Hades can hardly keep up with the ammount of people she is sending to be judged."

"Well, what does he plan to do about it?"

"Nothing. That's why I've been looking for you. There is a way we can get you out of here to make things right. Hades won't help us but I know someone who will."

"And who would help two souls escape?"

"Someone whose job would be made easier. Celesta."

"And where exactly will we find her. Isn't she busy on earth?"

"You know where the exit from the underworld is?"

"Of course I do."

"Meet me there tomorrow. It will give me time to formulate a plan. If everything goes the way I want it to, Celesta will have a heavy load lifted."

Solan quickly leaves and Xena prepares herself for a painful escape from Tartarus.

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