Chapter 10

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Xena and Gabrielle begin scouting the area.

"I want to address something you said earlier, Xena, about wanting to feel the hurt you caused me?"

"What about it?"

"Why? You're a hero, Xena. You didn't have to be tortured but you chose to."

"Because I let down the one person in my life that I care most about. I couldn't live in paradise while you suffered."

Xena stops walking and turns to face Gabrielle.

"We are destined to be together. Our souls are intertwined. The only chance I had at fulfilling that destiny is if I chose to suffer with you. I made you the person you were when you were prepared to attack my family."

"You blame yourself even after all I've done?"

"Yes. Who else is to blame? I let myself be taken from you. I don't understand how you can even be around me after how much I've hurt you."

Gabrielle starts to speak then hesitates. She looks around and mutters, "Aren't we supposed to be scouting or something."

She pushes past Xena and disappears farther into the trees. Xena follows her but stays a bit back. Pretty soon Gabrielle stops and motions for Xena to come forward.

"There's there camp. We are nearest to the slave tent. If we can free them, we take their numbers down considerably. Many of their soldiers are slaves."

"Alright. You get the men, I get the women and children."

"There's only one. Lilla. I ordered the rest killed."

"Then you get the men, I'll get Lilla. You should be able to walk through the camp freely."

Gabrielle sneaks forward and begins rounding up the men as Xena slips closer to the slave tent. She pulls a dagger out of her boot and slides it into the tent. She rips the tent and calls for Lilla in a loud whisper. Lilla is tied in the corner, her face slightly bloodied. Xena cuts her loose.

"What happened to you? You look like you got into a fight."

"Xena? Is it really you or am I just in a daze?"

"It's really me, now tell me what happened while we get out of here."

Xena pulls Lilla to her feet and they sneak back out through the hole. 

"When I get my hands on that Gabrielle, she is dead."

"Did Gabby do this?"

"No, her top officer did."

"Officers don't usually attack slaves."

"I sort of attacked him."

"And this is Gabrielle's fault, how?"

"She made me a slave."

"And she is the reason we aren't still talking a mile away. Apparently something I said upset her."

"Did you question her loyalty to you because that tends to get people killed."

"Something like that. Gabrielle is freeing the men. I'll get you to the hospice. We have to get ready for an attack at sundown."

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