Chapter 17

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Xena and Gabrielle are woken up by Eve and Solan jumping onto the cot, waking Xena and nearly breaking it.

Eve shakes Gabrielle, "Wake up! Today's the big day."

Gabrielle rubs her eyes, "Solstice already?"

Xena laughs, "Will you kids give us a chance to fully wake up?"

Xena hears her mother yell for her downstairs and jumps out of the cot. She runs downstairs to find Ares standing in the doorway.

"I didn't think you would be dead for that long, Ares. What do you want?"

"You tricked me. AGAIN. You said you would be my queen!"

"You should have known Ares. I'm not in love with you, I'm in love with Gabrielle."

"She launched an attack on your hometown!"

"She did it with love!"

Gabrielle, still half asleep, stumbles down the stairs.

"What's all the yelling about?... Oh hey Ares. Did you come to bid us good life on our wedding day?"

"What? You've been back for less than a week and you are already getting married?"

"Yes. I speant ten years in Tartarus wishing I had told Gabrielle how I felt and once I got the chance, I asked her to marry me. Now you can either stay for the wedding or you can leave but I don't have time to hear about how you "love" me when all you want is my power as a warrior."

"And what is it you think Gabrielle wants?"

"That's easy. She wants me. Not just the warrior part of me. She wants the loving, caring Xena who would lay down her life for the innocent."

"Gabrielle doesn't care about innocents."

"That's where you are wrong Ares. Now, I gave you your choices. Choose one. Gabrielle and I want to get started as soon as possible."

"If you don't mind, I'd rather not witness this."

Ares leaves and Cyrene gives Xena a puzzled look.

"I'll let Solan fill you in on it later. Right now we have a ceremony to start."

"But you haven't eaten breakfast."

"I'm saving my apetite. It's been a while since I've had fish."

"Your choice. So where do we start?"

"Well, mother, we start by gathering our family in here. Lilla isn't here yet."

Cyrene rolls her eyes and leaves to fetch Lilla. Gabrielle smiles at Xena.

"I can't believe this day is happening. I can't believe you're mine."

"Well, believe it because you will be mine for the rest of eternity."

Cyrene returns with Lilla. 

"Let's get started."

Xena and Gabrielle turn to face each other. 

"Gabrielle, in all my life I never imagined that I would ever find true love, until I met you and I was so set on punishing myself that I couldn't let myself embrace that love. You've given me more than I could ever ask for and I promise to never take that for granted. I promise to always honor you and your decisions, whatever they may be. I promise not only my heart to you, but my soul as well. I love you."

"Xena, the day you saved me the very first time, everything changed. I had a new purpose in life. I had a meaning. When I lost you, I became the very thing I had once made you promise you wouldn't become. I promise to never go against your call because it is usually what's best. I promise never to leave your side, no matter how tough the battle. I promise to you my heart and my soul. I love you."

They seal their promises with a kiss as their family cheers for them. They walk over to the table, where the scroll lay waiting for their signatures. Xena and Gabrielle sign and Cyrene signs as the witness. There are hugs and laughter all around. Cyrene is the first to speak.

"I guess you will be leaving now and taking my grandchildren with you."

"We will be leaving but Eve and Solan will be staying here with you. You need time with your grandchildren and they would be a lot safer here." Xena hugs her mother, "This isn't goodbye. We'll be back soon."

Solan comes forward and hugs Xena, then Gabrielle.

"Take care of my mother."

"I will, I promise."

They finish saying their goodbyes as Solan leaves to get Argo. Waving a final goodbye, Xena climbs up on the horse, taking Gabrielle's hand and pulling her up onto the horse behind her. They ride off together.

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