Chapter 14

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Xena awoke to Solan and Gabrielle standing over her. She sits up on the side of the cot.

"Good morning."

"What time is it?"

"Don't worry about time. You were sleeping peacefully so we didn't want to wake you. Solan and I made you breakfast in bed."

"Thank you both. What are you doing out of bed, Solan?"

"I feel better. Gabrielle tells me you have some good news."

"We do. We have some wonderful news. Gabrielle and I are getting married."

"So she's going to be my step dad?"

"Something like that, yeah."

Solan smiles.

"She's really nice. I'm glad you two are getting married."

Gabrielle cuts in.

"And she is right here being talked about like she's invisible."

They all laugh.

"You know, I believe that is the best night of sleep I have ever gotten."

"It's the first night I haven't had nightmares since you died."

"I am never dying on you agian. I promise."

Gabrielle sat on the side of the cot next to Xena and takes her hand. 

"Xena, how would you feel about a nontraditional wedding?"

"How do you mean?"

"No temple, no preist, no huge ceremony. Just an exchange of promises in front of our family. We can still have the feast today but I just want to do things differently."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"And to make it more binding, I took the liberty of writing up a document. I sign, you sign, and a witness signs."

"You've really thought this through. I'm all for letting go of tradition. I find some of the traditions unnecessary."

"As do I. I was also thinking that after the wedding, we could go fishing."

"You want to go fishing? You don't like fishing."

"But you do and seeing you happy makes me happy. It's been a while since I've had fish anyway."

"Alright. Will you let me teach you to fish my way?"

"I'll give it a try for my lovely bride."

"I'm not lovely. I'm drowsy."

"I'll go tell your mother of our plans. I think Solan wants to talk to you."

Gabrielle kisses Xena on the cheek and walks out of the room. Xena starts eating the food they brought in for her.

"Mother? Would you mind if I stayed with Nana? I mean the warrior's life isn't for me and I know you will come to visit."

"I think it would be good for you to stay here with my mother. You would be safe here and you wouldn't have to worry about having your life cut short in battle."

"I know the world needs you and Gabrielle and if I went with you I would get in the way."

"Sweetheart, you wouldn't be in the way at all. I do think you would be safer here and it is your decision."

"I love you Mother."

"I love you too Solan."

Solan leaves and Xena finishes her breakfast and gets ready for the day ahead.

Xena: Warrior Princess- A Legend Never DiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora