Chapter 2- Xena

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Getting out of Tartarus is going to take a lot of hard work and dedication. Xena knows that. She has to defeat Campe, the dangerous half woman half dragon who guards the gates. Getting past Campe will be the easy part, making it out of the underworld without attracting the suspicion of Hades will be the hard part. 

Xena takes a deep breath, "Let's do this."

She begins weaving through the crowd of troubled souls to get to the gate. Being careful not to catch the attention of Campe too soon, she slips a thin but strong piece of rock between the doors, beneath the bolt that held the gates shut and slid it up. As soon as she hears the clatter of the bolt on the ground she pushes through the gates and slams them shut to assure that no other souls would escape. She turns her back to the gates and preparing to meet her greatest adversary. Xena gasps as she takes in the sight of her opponent. With the upper body of a woman, with hair of snakes and soulless eyes and the lower body of a dragon and a tail resebling that of a scorpian, filled with venom that could send a soul into permanent oblivion, Campe is definitely the most challenging opponent Xena has ever been put up against.

"Zeus, you know I'm not much for praying but you've killed this creature before and I can't do this without you. For the sake of Gabrielle and for the sake of of all mankind, please get me out of here."

A bolt of lightening hits Campe and she falls, dead. Whispering a quick thanks to Zeus, Xena works her way toward the exit, a little ahead of schedule. She hides in a crevace in the rocks and listens to the many voices of those thinking of her, searching for Gabrielle's.

"Xena, I'm so sorry. The only way I can let you go is to destroy every memory of you. I won't rest until everything that could remind me of you is destroyed."

Xena jumps up, knowing Gabrielle is serious, and calls out, "Solan!"

He appears a few seconds later, "What is it? I told you to wait until tomorrow."

"We don't have that much time. We have to act fast before she destroys everyone and everything. Go, get Celesta and hurry."

"Alright. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Solan hurries away and Xena closes her eyes. Whispering she calls out, "Ares."

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