Chapter 16

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Xena traces Gabrielle's face with her fingers. 

"I wish we could just stay like this forever. I want to memorize every part of you."

Gabrielle smiles and slips her hand over Xena's. At that moment Lilla's voice pierced through the trees.

"Gabrielle. Xena. Time for the feast."

Xena yells back, "We're on our way."

She kisses Gabrielle before leaping to her feet. 

"Looks like we will have to leave our time of relaxation for now."

Gabrielle laughs.

"And to think we didn't want to relax."

They throw their garments back on and head back to the center of town for the feast. At the edge of town Gabrielle stops Xena.

"You've got leaves in your hair."

Xena laughs and they pick out the leaves before entering town. They take their seats and Cyrene stands at the head of the table.

"I would like to make a toast to our beloved Xena and her fiance Gabrielle. May their lives be long and their days filled with happiness. And now we will hear from our brides to be."

Xena stands to speak first.

"Gabrielle has always been my light in the darkness since the first day I met her. She was always so full of hope. We had our rough times but I am glad to be able to see the sparkle in her eyes again and the smile on her face, but above all, I am so glad to call her mine."

Gabrielle stands beside her.

"Xena always talked about how the only reason she did good was because I motivated her, because I kept her dark side at bay. What she never knew was that I had a dark side too and the day I lost her was the day light left me. I couldn't understand why I couldn't have her back and I stopped at nothing to assure that one day she may be here again. You can call me selfish but I got what I wanted and more."

In unison they raise their glasses and say, "To eternal happiness."

They sit down and everyone begins eating. One of the villagers near them decides to strike a conversation with Gabrielle.

"So what do you two plan on doing after your wedding?"

"We're going fishing for a few weeks. Just relaxing by a river and after that, who knows?"

"You're going fishing? As your little romantic getaway? Fishing?"

"Yes. Xena loves to fish and I like eating. Seems like a pretty good time to me."

"Fishing? You girls must be crazy."

Xena cuts in.

"We aren't crazy but right now we are hungry. I believe she told you she likes to eat. That was a little hint to let her enjoy her food without interuption and quite personally, I like a quiet dinner as well."

Gabrielle leans over toward Xena.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. You may have a little patience but I would hate to see it run out."

They eat the rest of the meal in silence. Afterwards everyone retired to their homes for the evening. Xena and Gabrielle sat in the tavern with Lilla while Eve and Solan cought up on lost time.

"Where will you go after this, Lilla? I destroyed our homes and the village."

"I will go to Athens. Sarah is studying there."

"I'm sorry again about killing most of the village."

"I think you should apologize to the men of Potedaea. I noticed that none of them showed up for the feast. In fact they are all camped outside of town." 

"Okay. I'm going to talk to them."

Gabrielle gets up and Xena grabs her hand.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Gabrielle nods, "I think that would be best."

They both leave their weapons on the table in the tavern and walk to where the men are camping. When they are spotted, the men draw their swords. Xena instictively steps in front of Gabrielle but Gabrielle places her hand on Xena's shoulder to stop her, then addresses the men.

"I know all of you must hate me. I took your families and your homes from you. There is nothing I can do to bring them back. Believe me, I would if I could. I don't expect your forgiveness or for you to understand. I do ask that you let me pay for reparations or at least let me get you enough rations for you to get to somewhere else and settle. You aren't fighting men and I never should have asked you to fight."

"You're right. You shouldn't have had us fight. We have blood on our hands."

"No, you haven't killed any innocents. I am the one who has. You kept a town from being destroyed. The blood is on my hands."

"And where do you expect us to go?"

"Surely you have family elsewhere."

The men talked amongst themselves as if the thought had never crossed their minds.

"So we go to our family. What then?"

"Start a new life. Put down your swords and walk a path of peace. I myself cannot walk that path, the blood spilled from my hands flows too deep but you can. After our wedding tomorrow, you won't see or hear from me anymore. At least not the part of me who did the horrible things."

The men all nod.

"We can do that. And what will you do?"

"Travel with Xena and try to right the wrongs in the world. I can't change my past but I can control my future."

"Thank you for coming to speak with us. It shows that you have a brave heart. I think I speak for all of us when I say that I hope you two have a long and happy life together."

Gabrielle smiles and she and Xena head back to the tavern.

"That wasn't so hard now was it, Gabby."

Gabrielle laughs, "I think I'm going to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy and exciting day."

"I could use some sleep too."

They mutter their goodnights when they reach the tavern and head to their room. They change into nightclothes and lie down on the cot together.

"Goodnight, Gabrielle. I love you."

"Goodnight, Xena. I love you too."

They kiss goodnight and drift to sleep.

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