Chapter 8

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Xena is the last to arive at the tavern. Her mother rushes to her.

"Xena, Callisto told me everything. I'm so glad you're back."

"I'm glad I'm back too."

Xena turns to the men that Gabrielle recruited.

"I need everyone to be focused. This army that is coming was given orders to destroy this town and all who are in it. If you are afraid, we have no room for you here. I need people without fear. I don't know what tactics this army will use but we will be ready for anything. I want everyone to get the weapon they are most skilled with. If I've calculated correctly, we have about an hour before they attack. Spare any enslaved among them and set them free."

Xena kneels down beside Solan and places her hand on his head.

"How do you feel, son?"

"I've never felt better."

His voice is weak and his breaths shallow due to the injury but he manages a smile.

"I think Gabrielle needs you more than I do right now. I can only imagine what she is feeling."

"Self hatred. I've felt that before. I'll go talk to her."

Xena walks over to where Gabrielle is sitting and takes a sea next to her.

"You probably hate me, don't you Xena."

"I could never hate you Gabrielle. Seems like I wasn't the only one who needed someone for guidance. We kept each other balanced. If you had died, I woulf have done the same thing."

"You would enslave your family and attack my village?"

"If it meant I could possibly get you back, yes."

"I needed you more than I thought I did. When you died, I lost all hope and all happiness. The light was just gone."

"I know what that's like. When I thought I lost you, well, you remember."

"Yeah. Do you think I can redeem myself?"

"I did, didn't I."

"And you went to Tartarus."

"I chose to go to Tartarus. I wanted to suffer for what I had done, I wanted to feel the pain of me leaving you. I hurt you. You're the one who should hate me."

"I did, for a while. Why do you think I whacked you in the head?"

"You left a bump by the way, but I'll live."

Xena grins at Gabrielle and nudges her. Gabrielle laughs.

"I've really missed you, Xena."

"I missed you too, Gabrielle. Now we need to get ready to fight."

"I'm not going to be your sidekick anymore. I'll be your equal. Side by side."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Xena: Warrior Princess- A Legend Never DiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora