It was Sunday night, the night before it was back to reality, back to the grind and of course, one couldn't forget, back to the stress. It seemed like the weekend always flew by but the week crawled at a slow and painful pace.

Harlow LaRose was currently trying her best to relax before the beginning of another work week. After working Monday through Saturday, Sunday's were the days she anticipated the most. It was the only off day she had but that didn't mean it was spent lounging in the house. She still had shit to do along with raising two children, she just couldn't sit on her ass with a good book and a bottle, yes a whole damn bottle, like she wanted to. Nope, each Sunday was spent differently. Whether it was taking the children to whatever game they had, of course spending quality time with them and although she technically wasn't supposed to work Sunday's, as the owner of a very popular spa, she had no choice but to make sure everything was up to date. It took years for her to make her business what it was but all it took was a second to have it crumbling down.

Jazz played in the background while she soaked in the tub with her vanilla scented bath bombs, a glass of wine in one hand and her iPad in another.

Harlow was currently going over the schedule of who would be working, as well as what treatments needed to be done and checking inventory. Wasn't it miraculous what technology could do?

As Harlow wrapped up the last bit of her work, she placed the now empty glass to the side along with her iPad, drained the tub and made her way to her walk in shower that she loved so very much. To be honest she loved just about every feature of her four bedroom condo.

Harlow worked her ass off to get where she's at and she decided to enjoy the benefits

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Harlow worked her ass off to get where she's at and she decided to enjoy the benefits. Born and raised in the projects, wondering where her next meal would be coming from to having not one or two but three cars, a gorgeous condo, and a successful business was a tremendous accomplishment for her. Harlow was beyond proud of herself especially because so many said she would fail but in the end she made each and every one of them eat their words when she arrived back home in a brand new Maserati. And although a small part of her wanted to boast and brag, Harlow remained humble and kind because she had to learn the hard way that God definitely does not like ugly and all the positives could turn to a negative at any given moment.

Close to thirty minutes later, Harlow stepped out of the shower, drying herself off before applying her favorite concoction to her body; coconut oil and cetaphil moisturizing lotion before pulling on a pair of boy short panties and an oversized hoodie.

Her feet silently led the way into her master suite. She was dead tired and couldn't wait to get in her bed. Her soft pillows were practically yelling her name, telling her to come cuddle with them so much that when she made contact with them she was out like a light.


The time read five thirty a.m., and just like clockwork Harlow was up, preparing herself for the day. She first went to check on the children making sure they were still sleep before pulling out each of their school uniform and ironing it. Once the clothes were handled, she made her way into the kitchen, her second favorite place in the condo, and began preparing breakfast.

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