X walked into the BBQ with his good friend Ashlen by his side, taking notice of everyone in attendance, including Harlow.

When X scanned over the crowd and spotted Harlow, he had to do a double take seeing as how she was looking too good for words. Dressed in a black two piece bikini that accentuated her womanly figure, X had to mentally tell himself and his young soldier that now wasn't the time or the place to be getting as excited as he was.

X had let it be known that he was interested in Harlow, sent a few gifts letting her know that there were more where that came from if she decided on fuckin with him but left the ball in her court. X wasn't one to chase anything that couldn't be defined as a dollar amount.

"What's up X? How you doing Len," Rell greeted once he approached them?

"What's up my nigga," X questioned in response as Len gave a simple head nod.

She was definitely a woman of few words which is why they got along so well together.

"Glad y'all could make it. I was starting to think you wasn't coming through X. But anyways the food over there, drinks right next to it and the festivities is all around. Y'all have a good time aight," Rell directed before walking off?

The two headed over to the drink table and while Ashlen searched for a drink, X made slight conversation with those he knew from around the way.

"This a dope ass house," Ashlen commented while sipping on her drink.

"This a dope ass house," Ashlen commented while sipping on her drink

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"Yeah it is," X couldn't help but agree. His homie Desmond was making bread and he heard that Desmond's wife wasn't playin with the money either. Whenever X decided to settle down he knew that his woman had to be able to provide as well.

"Aye why them girls keep looking over here," Ashlen questioned curiously?

Looking over to where Ashlen was referring to, X was a little disappointed when he realized it wasn't Harlow or the girls she was sitting with when he first spotted her but a group of entirely new females.

"Shit ion know and ion care. Let's go over here though before one of these bitches try to make a move," X suggested not wanting to be bothered.

"Whaaaaaat? My nigga X turning down some pussy? Never thought I'd see the day," Ashlen joked.

"Nigga shut up. You know me better than that."

X was never one that could be labeled as the person in the group who thirsted after bitches or even pussy for that matter. Pussy was everywhere and for a nigga like X, he could get anywhere.

Walking over to the table, X noticed a dominos game going and was hoping they were playing for money.

To his elation, the group of men sitting at the table were indeed playing for money leading X to sign up to join in. All X really wanted to do was get in on it, try his hand out and see if he could take home a lil somethin somethin.

Almost thirty minutes later, X was finally able to take a seat at the table in order to play in the next round.

"Y'all finally starting another game," a soft feminine voice asked making X hope and pray that some broad wasn't tryna play?

Looking up, his eyes met the back of the woman's head since she was facing the other way speaking to someone else however X had that body and bathing suit memorized the moment he peeped it considering the fact that Harlow looked damn good in it.

X couldn't help but wonder if she actually knew how to play and halfway into the game he found out just how well Harlow played. She was in the lead, having everyone believing she was going to be the winner of the earnings.

"And that's game bitches," Harlow shouted out, making plenty men groan and mutter curse words while X on the other hand sat back in wonder!

X watched as she collected the cash from each man that played and when it came X's turn to pay up, he added in a lil extra just for the hell of it.

"Hey," Harlow shouted out to X as she trailed behind him!

"What's up babygirl," X turned and asked with a slight smirk on his face?

"You gave me extra," she pointed out trying to give the money back but with X's hands in his pockets, it was almost impossible.

"Keep it," X shrugged as if he didn't see a problem with it.

With a frown on her face, Harlow began shaking her head.

"I don't want this. I don't even need it."

"How you been Ms. Harlow? You like your gifts," X asked attempting to change the subject?

Harlow rolled her eyes before stating, "Look ion know what's up with you but take ya money back my nigga. I'm not tryna assume this was a ploy to get me to talk to you or become interested in you but if so, it was a fail. The gifts were straight and would've been sent back had there been a return address instead they were given away. Showering me when you don't even know me is a turn off. Get to know me, as a friend, before you do all that shit. Unless that's the type of bitch you're into then you have the wrong one."

Taking X's payment, Harlow proceeded to stuff the money in the pocket of his hoodie before turning on her heel and walking away.

X intently watched each step she took from him and knew that whatever he thought of Harlow before had officially switched up. If anything he found himself even more attracted to Harlow after her mini speech. X didn't know how he was going to do it but he knew he had to do everything in his power to get her by his side.

It could be said that money wasn't the only thing X was willing to chase anymore.

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