Freedom was what many people took for granted but after being locked up for five years and having everything stripped from him, X knew better than to take advantage of his freedom.

It was his first week back and he was struggling to become adjusted to the way life was rolling now. Many people would say life was still the same with a few tweaks here and there but to X, he felt as if he was in a complete new time zone. Shit went from barely using computers to not being able to get shit done without technology and that was something he was not hip to.

"What you got planned for the day," X's brother Ron asked as Ron tied up his shoes?

"Shit ion even know to be honest. I gotta check in with my probation officer. I need to start looking for a job but there ain't much I can do you know," X vented.

"I already told you what the deal was blood. Just stay out them streets and I got you. I lost you once I refuse to lose you again. But I'll be sure to check around for you and plug you in somewhere," Ron voiced to X as he made his way to the front door.

After saying their good-byes, Ron left out while X continued to lounge on the couch, not staring at anything in particular especially with the way his mind was running.

All X was concerned about was making money and handling some unfinished business. Although X appreciated his brother allowing him to stay with him, X knew he couldn't stay there forever. The sooner X could get back on his feet, the better.
At twenty-eight years old, X was feeling pretty lost. Once upon a time, he was at the top of the game, had money flowing in, life was great till he got caught up with a bullshit ass petty charge. On the outside though, X wasn't phased but on the inside he was fuming. He couldn't believe he got caught up but he also couldn't believe he trusted a bitch to the degree he did and she took advantage of that.

X made a vow to himself that she would pay. Five years was a long time to be away but he came back with a vengeance and all betrayal would get answered to.
Sitting at the bar, X took in his surroundings as soft jazz played in the background. It was a busy night at Breeze, the poetry lounge his brother co-owned, people were everywhere, the stage was boomin and drinks were being bought like crazy.

"Excuse me," a soft voice said to X's left making him glance over.

Looking over, X had to do a double take because the woman that stood beside him was truly breathtaking.

X realized the woman beside him was trying to get the bartenders attention but unfortunately wasn't having any luck

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X realized the woman beside him was trying to get the bartenders attention but unfortunately wasn't having any luck.

"Aye D," X's deep baritone called out, quickly making the bartender D snatch her head up to see what it was he needed.

After waving her over, D stood before him and asked what it was he needed.

"This beautiful woman right here needs a drink. Put it on my tab," X began.

"Thank you but no thank you," she softly declined. "I would just like some water D, that's all."

"Sure thing Lo, one water coming right up," D said smiling.

X looked from D, the woman D called Lo to D and back again. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. X couldn't understand how a woman could look that damn good in a crop top, jeans and heels.

I've never seen casual look this damn good, X thought to himself.

"Can I help you," the woman asked as she tilted her head to the side, meeting X's gaze head on?

"Actually you can. You can start by telling me your name."

With a twist of her lips, he watched as she softly chuckled.

"I'm okay but you have a great night," with a raise of her glass, she turned on her heels and walked away. The sway of her hips enticed X, so much that he didn't realize D was still standing in front of him.

"Earth to X. Nigga wake up," D shouted laughing.

X looked at her blankly while she continued to laugh to herself.

"Who is that," X inquired?

"Oh that's Lo. She's a regular here," D informed him as she wiped a few glasses.

Before X could ask his next question, one of his good friends Rell stepped on stage gaining everyone's attention.

"Aight aight, what's goin on everybody? How y'all doin tonight," Rell asked and waited for the audience to quiet down before he continued, "Tonight we have a special guest, someone y'all been waitin for, damn near naggin me for. Y'all welcome to the stage my lil sis Lo."

Shouts and clapping could be heard throughout the club. Shit even some people were standing up yellin out.

X wondered if this Lo person was the same Lo D just mentioned and when she stepped on stage he was a little surprised that it was indeed her.

"How y'all doin tonight," her sultry voice spoke softly into the night?

Although her voice was soft, it was one of those voices that demanded to be heard.

"Tonight I have somethin special for y'all. I was gon do the usual, speak some words and just make y'all feel my vibe but Ima do something different. Ya know sometimes change is good," she joked with the crowd, smiling at them.

Looking back at the band, she signaled and when they began playing the intro to Etta James 'I'd rather go blind', it made X think about his mother, seeing as though she used to play shit like this around the house all the time.

Throughout the lounge, all you could hear was Lo's amazing voice along with the band in the background. Everyone was so tuned into Lo, X couldn't even front like he wasn't either. Not only was she gorgeous but she had the voice of an angel. X knew then and there he had to have Lo no matter the costs. It was just something about Lo that had X enchanted and for that reason alone, X knew he couldn't let her go. No woman has ever had this type of effect on X. All X knew was that he needed to find out what kind of spell Lo had put him under and do his best to return the spell.

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