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"Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight, not only are you back to that killing shit, you got a bitch pregnant and you hiding it all from your girl," X's brother repeated, "Boy you bout the dumbest muthafucka out here," Ron declared while shaking his head in disappointment.

X wasn't trying to hear that. He knew he shouldn't have even started hiding anything from Harlow but now that he began he couldn't stop.

"She gon leave yo ass, just watch," Ron spoke up making X's head snap in his direction.

"She not going nowhere," X practically growled.

"You more of a dummy than I thought if you think that's true."

X couldn't even front, hearing his own brother say that irritated him but nothing irritated him more than knowing he was actually right. He was foolish enough to think that he could keep Harlow. Regardless of the reasons for him lying, one of the few things she asked of him was to keep it real and he couldn't even keep his promise.

X continuously clenched and unclenched his jaw. He knew he put himself in a fucked up predicament but he wasn't even sure how to get himself out of it.

"So what should I do," X finally asked looking for some kind of insight?

"Tell her."

Smacking his teeth X raised out of his seat and headed to the kitchen. Hearing his brothers footsteps behind him he didn't even acknowledge his response.

"Man from personal experience Im telling you, you might as well tell her now because the longer you wait, the worse the outcome will be for you."

Leaving X to his thoughts, Ron soon left to handle his business. X didn't know what to do. He wanted to tell Harlow the truth so bad but he knew that there was a high possibility that she would leave him and he just couldn't bare that at all but then again if he ended up not telling her and she found out, she'd still leave. X was fucked either way.

Hearing his phone ringing he looked down at the screen and smacked his teeth once more upon reading the number.

"What's up man," X snarled?

"Wow who pissed in your cereal," Lovely asked but before X could answer she continued, "Anyways we have a doctors appointment today and my car is in the shop so what time should I expect you?"

"I don't see what that has to do with me."

"The fuck you mean? You know what? That's cool X. You wanna act like a bitch and shit. You got yourself in this situation so you need to deal with the responsibilities."

"My responsibility will be that child and that child alone if it's really mine. So if you can't make it to the shit that you need to do that's not on me now is it? You not my bitch. And if you can't take care of that child then I'll just take him, that simple. Don't call my phone until you know if it's mine. Matter of fact Ima have my doctor and lawyer draw up some shit so we can get this over with cause I'm tired of dealing wit you already. Don't call my phone. You can talk to my lawyer," X vented before hanging up in Lovely's face.

X was so tempted to throw his phone. He was so sick of all the bullshit that came his way.

"I need to smoke," X muttered to himself as he roughly dragged his hand down his face.

Pulling out an already pre-rolled blunt, X put it to his lips and took a few hits.

Just as his nerves began to ease an incoming text message brought the stress back full force.


X pulled up to one of the last places he'd like to be at the moment. Being at this particular location just reminded him of all the drama that was sure to unfold if Harlow ever found out the truth.

Parking his vehicle, X waited in his seat to weigh out his options. He was tired of being a hitman seeing as how he's been doing it since the age of fifteen. His contract was up in another year or so or at least whenever he paid off the debt he owed Jaxon.

In the contract X signed, it specifically said that once X paid off a specified amount he would be released from Jaxon's hold. It irritated X that his time in jail prolonged his fucked up contract because he could've been done and far out of Jaxon's grasp by now and it was all because of a minor mishap that took place years ago that allowed Jaxon to keep X in his web of death and demise.

Back when X was about fourteen, he used to run with the wrong crowd and said crowd got him into some trouble that he couldn't get himself out of. One day, one of the older guys convinced X to hit a lick with him, however, instead of making it out alive, X's accomplice was shot dead on the spot for trying to steal from the wrong person, who happened to be a well known drug dealer from around the way. Jaxon just so happened to be there at the time and saved X's life but X couldn't help but question if it was even worth it sometimes.

Long overdue, life has been getting to ya girl. Between work, school and my son, I can't catch a break but I hope y'all enjoy! Vote, comment, lemme know what ya think!!

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