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"I think he's cheating," Harlow blurted out to her friends in the midst of Olivia talking.

Both heads snapped in her direction and stared at her confused.

"I'm sorry, what was that," Joie was the first to ask?

"X.. I think he's cheating on me," Harlow repeated.

"Why do you say that?"

"He's been very secretive lately. Leaving in the middle of the night, disappearing during the day. I went to surprise him at work and he wasn't even there like he told me he was so I had to act like I forgot that he told me he wouldn't be there. I just.. I don't know you guys. Something in me wants to believe he wouldn't be but I can't help the feeling I have."

"Have you brought it up to him," Olivia questioned?

"No. I don't want to hear a lie but I'm scared to hear the truth."

"Just by this conversation we can tell it's eating you up Lo. You need to address shit with him."

"You're right Joie. I just really feel for him. I might even love him y'all," Harlow said in despair.

Not once did she expect to fall for X and fall hard she did. She's only loved one man once and it definitely didn't equate to the amount of love she had for X.

He was so perfect to her in every way which is why she didn't want to believe he was cheating on her.

"Look call him right now and tell him to come by so you can get to the bottom of this. We can step outside while y'all talk or meet back here in an hour, what do you say," Olivia offered?

Nodding her head, Harlow figured getting this over as soon as possible would be the best option for her. Pulling out her phone she pulled up X's contact and brought the phone to her ear.

"Goodmorning beautiful," X greeted her bringing butterflies to her stomach.

"Hey, um can you come by I need to talk to you?"

"Yeah everything ok," X asked hesitantly?

"Yeah just come right now please."

"I'm on my way," X responded.

Harlow nodded her head and hung up the phone.

"Well he'll be here soon," she informed Joie and Olivia looking up at their expectant faces.

"Whatever happens girl you'll be good I promise that," Joie encouraged while Olivia nodded in agreement.

Harlow gave half a smile, hoping that they were right but something told her that that was far from the truth.


Close to forty-five minutes later X pulled up, using his key, he found Harlow sitting on a bar stool with a glass of wine in front of her.

"What's up baby girl," X greeted her leaning in for a kiss but was met with a dry peck.

Harlow watched as X took a seat across from her but that didn't give her the courage she needed to ask what she wanted to know. Instead it made her even more nervous to the point she was second guessing calling him over here.

Unbeknownst to Harlow, five minutes or so had passed by while X stared at her trying to figure out what was on her mind that heavy.

Harlow's head popped up at the sound of X clearing his throat. She met his gaze head on before she shied away and looked back down at the counter.

"So what's up Harlow," X asked getting straight to the point?

Harlow felt like she was on the verge of breaking down. She knew in her gut something wasn't right but for the sake of her heart, she just didn't want to be right. She was terrified to ask and hear something that she didn't really want to hear. She finally felt comfortable enough to give her all to someone and she didn't want to regret it.

Taking a deep breath, Harlow blurted out in a rush, "Are you cheating on me?"

X literally reared back with shock from the question she asked. He didn't know where this was coming from at all.

His face was screwed up in confusion as he denied her accusation, "No I'm not. Why would you ask that? You think I'm cheating on you or somethin?"

"Well yeah," Harlow started off, "You up and leave in the middle of the night, don't answer when I call sometimes, I've caught you in a few lies, you're not where you say you are. Like if you don't want to be with me then just say so X cause I can't risk getting my heart broken by you."

"You love me?"

"Yes I do Xion."

"You trust me?"

"Yeah but -"

"No buts. I need for you to trust me Harlow. I'm not cheating on you. I don't want anyone else but you. Just bare with me baby. I have a lot going on that I don't want to bring into our relationship that I'm tryna fix. It's nothing you need to worry about and I'll clue you in on everything soon but just have faith ok? I'm not gon hurt you. I love you too much for that," X finished as he grabbed Harlow into his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

Harlow's heart was smiling but her gut, her gut was definitely telling her something different.

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