Every single day for the past four days, Harlow has received flowers, chocolates, an edible arrangement and many other various gifts from her secret admirer, X.

It seemed as if she left a lasting impression with him by not succumbing to his request of knowing her name.

Now Harlow knew better than anyone than to judge a book by it's cover but a fine ass man like that? Harlow knew she couldn't just fall for his handsome looks, or his charming smile or even that sexy ass voice. Just remembering his deep baritone had Harlow practically fanning herself.

"Harlow, you have a call on line three," Harlow's assistant Avery called out disturbing her train of thought, which a small part of her was grateful for.

"This is Harlow, how can I assist you," Harlow greeted professionally?

"Good-afternoon Ms. LaRose, this is Principal Davis at Fair Meadows Academy. I'm calling because there's been an incident involving Hunter and I need for you to get down here as soon as possible," Principal Davis informed making Harlow's mind whirl with all types of possibilities of what could have happened.

"Oh my! Is he okay?"

"Yes he is fine but again I need you to get down here as soon as possible."

"I'm on my way," Harlow ended the call, quickly grabbing her purse, blazer and rushed out of her office.

"Avery I'll be out of the office for the rest of the day. Any calls forward them to Joie please," Harlow rushed out, barely sparing Avery a glance before she jogged out of the spa and into her SUV.

In record time Harlow made it to the academy in which she enrolled her niece and nephew into, pulled up to the loading zone and hopped out.

Within seconds of reaching the main office, Harlow was ushered into a small room where a fuming, inconsolable Hunter was pacing back and forth while Principal Davis stood watching him like a hawk.

"Hunter baby," Harlow spoke softly, gaining his attention.

Harlow watched as Hunter stopped midstep, snatching his head to the sound of the voice and meeting her gaze head on.

Seeing Hunter in the midst of one of his episodes, though rare, was enough to crush Harlow's heart into pieces. For a child to have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia was not an easy task to deal with which is why Harlow made it her duty to take special care of Hunter by giving him more one on one time, making sure he knew all about his disorders and how he could fight it off when he felt like it was getting the best of him.

"Auntie Lo, I'm sorry," Hunter croaked out.

Harlow wanted so badly to cry but she had to be strong and reassure him that everything was okay.

"Everything's going to be alright baby. Come here."

Harlow held her breath. This could go one of two ways. Hunter could lash out or he could be receptive. Harlow hoped for the latter but would be able to handle him with whichever way he decided to act.

A weight lifted off of her shoulders when Hunter walked in her direction. Taking his face in her hands, Harlow gazed into his eyes for a minute before kissing him on his forehead. The way Hunter held onto his aunt spoke volumes. He clung to her as if at any minute she would leave him and no matter how many times she vowed she wouldn't ever leave him or his sister, Hunter still held onto those fears.

"Baby, let me speak to Principal Davis for a second okay? You can go wait for me in the car," Harlow told Hunter as she handed him the keys.

It wasn't until Hunter was clear from her sight that Harlow turned to face Principal Davis. Seeing the look upon the principal's face let Harlow know all she really needed to know. The situation at hand was deeper than the principal initially led on.

"What happened," Harlow asked?

"While in class, a student by the name of Byron Scott began to antagonize Hunter. Hunter did his best to ignore him but something snapped in and he just.. He went a little crazy."

Holding up her hand, Harlow stopped Principal Davis from continuing, "Don't do that. Do not call him crazy. He's had to deal with too many things for his age and his conditions do not give you the right to call him crazy. If someone continuously picked on you I'm sure you would snap as well. I want a meeting with that kid and his parents. I also want the superintendent there as well because the next time you call him crazy, I'll show you what crazy really is."

Turning on her heel, Harlow didn't even wait for Principal Davis to respond before she made her way back outside to her car where Hunter waited.

She found him sitting in the front seat with his head in his hands. Without any hesitation, Harlow reached over and pulled him into a tight hug that lasted well over two minutes.

"Wanna go to our spot," Harlow suggested?

Hunter quickly nodded his head 'yes' which led Harlow to pull off and make a u turn with a set destination in mind.

The only thing on Harlow's mind was putting her baby boy at ease and tending to his needs.

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