Three months have passed, bringing fall into season. Everything in X's life was going great, especially his friendship with Harlow. There wasn't a day that went by where they didn't speak to each other. X could even go as far to say that he could see himself with Harlow for the rest of his life.

Many would wonder how did he figure it out so soon but when you actually took the time to get to know someone and realized just how genuine of a person they are, you could tell that you would want to keep them around.

Harlow was truly a special person. She could be defined as an independent beautiful woman who was on her shit. And the fact that Harlow took in her niece and nephew when she didn't have to showed X that her loyalty ran deep.

"X," Lovely called out to him, shaking him out of his thoughts.

Just that fast X forgot that he was in her presence. Lovely had invited him over saying she needed to talk to him. X could think of a few places he would rather be at the moment but decided to just hear her out.

"What's up man," X asked checking his phone?

"Did you even hear anything I just said?"


Scoffing, Lovely shook her head while tapping her fingers on the kitchen counter.

"I was saying that I want us to take this to another level."

"What other level is there," X asked not understanding where she was going with this?

"I want us to be official X."

"I wasn't aware that we were even dating so how could we become official?"

"So what the fuck have we been doing these last few months?"

"We been fuckin. Where this shit comin from anyways? You knew what it was from the beginning. Why you actin brand new?"

"I just .. I thought this time was different."

"If you want different you expecting it from the wrong man. You coo and all but I don't see this as anything other than me getting a nut off."

X could've switched his words around but he had to be blunt and let Lovely know exactly what was going on between the two. The only woman who held his attention for more than something sexual was Harlow and even though he knew Lovely longer, he could never actually see himself with her. Any woman who accepted a position as a side bitch was not a bitch X could take seriously.


X could tell Lovely was hurt but he didn't really care.

"Well I got shit to do so I'm out."

Before Lovely could even fix her lips to say anything else X wasn't trying to hear, he let himself out her house and into his car.

"These bitches trippin man," X mumbled to himself as he sparked his pre-rolled blunt and pulled off, heading to his next destination.

Almost forty-five minutes later, X was driving through an expensive ass neighborhood, you know the ones with the long driveways, white neighbors and first response attention the second you call the police.

Pulling into one of the driveways, X couldn't wait to get this meeting over with. He needed to head over to his shop to check on business and of course get his fresh cut. One thing X didn't do was miss out on participating in fine nigga Friday.

"Good-afternoon Mr. X," the butler known as Walter greeted him as he stood at the door.

"What's up Walter," X asked in response as he was let into the foyer, "How's the wife?"

"She's doing better thank you for asking. She's down in Panama for a few weeks."

"That's what's up."

"Mr. Jaxon is waiting for you in his study," Walter informed X.

"Good looks. You stay up man," X said as he made his way towards the study Walter mentioned previously.

Once he approached the door, X did his special knock notifying Jaxon who was at the door and waited to be allowed entry.

"Come in," Jaxon shouted from inside.

X entered spotting Jaxon sitting with a cigar in his hand. Jaxon was someone X ran with before he went away to prison. In fact Jaxon used to be his main source of income but back in the day X was selling drugs, while these days he was doing so much more. And although he wasn't proud to say this is what he was doing for money, he had a contract he couldn't exactly escape just yet.

 And although he wasn't proud to say this is what he was doing for money, he had a contract he couldn't exactly escape just yet

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"How you doin X," Jaxon asked as he exhaled the smoke?

"I'm good man."

"That's good. Here's your payment for the last assignment," tossing a duffle bag with money at X's feet. "Inside is a folder with your next assignment as long as the deadline and payment information. Have a great day."

Following his dismissal, X took his duffel bag and made his way out the mansion and back into his car.

He didn't open the bag until he reached his home. Barely glancing at the money, he knew Jaxon wouldn't cheat him out on what he owed, X was more concerned with his new assignment, or rather who is next assignment happened to be.

Flipping open the binder, X gazed at his new target. It was some cat named Milton 'Lucky' Williams. Scanning over the material, X learned that he was someone who owed Jaxon a large sum of money and on one too many occasions tried to bribe his way out of it.

Shaking his head X couldn't understand why people brought this shit upon themselves and then X was called upon and had to either get payment or take their life.

X wasn't always a killer but because of his contract he didn't really have a choice. He knew this wasn't a life that he could continue living if he wanted to pursue Harlow but as long as she didn't know it wouldn't hurt right?

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