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Each and every call X made went straight to voicemail, his texts message were stuck on delivered, and his voicemails weren't being responded to. He didn't know what the hell was going on.

X had this feeling in his gut that he just couldn't shake and he didn't know why. He tried to think back in his mind to any event that would leave him feeling this way and he couldn't think of one.

He couldn't reach Harlow and he was getting worried. He typed in her name on his Twitter search and seen that she hadn't been on for days. Next he checked her snap chat and watched her recent snaps of the day, which gave him no clue as to why he couldn't get through to her.

'Man what the fuck is up,' X thought to himself.

Deciding to just pull up at Harlow's house, X made a quick U-turn, heading in the direction of her neighborhood, hoping that she was there and okay.

About twenty minutes later, X parked a few houses down and got out of his car. Scanning the area, X strolled up to the front door before using his key and letting himself in.

Hearing noise come from the kitchen, X found Harlow washing dishes and stopped to admire her for a minute.

"So this why you ain't been answering my calls," X asked?

He waited for a response but didn't get one, instead he watched as Harlow shut off the running water, dried her hands and slowly turned to face him, her voice devoid of all emotion.

"What are you doing here," she asked with her arms folded across her chest?

Taken aback X asked, "I can't come see my girl? You weren't answering so I had to make sure you good."

"From this moment forward, I'm not your girl."

"What you mean you not my girl? Where's this coming from?"

"Oh quit the act. I know all about you and the bitch carrying your kid. I just don't understand why you pursued me if you had other shit going on. I told you I didn't want any drama and I damn sure didn't want to be hurt and that's exactly what you did."

Speechless, X tried to wrack his mind and figure out how she found out but that wasn't important. He needed to figure out how he could keep her from leaving.

"Nothing to say? I figured that. It's cool though cause I'm sure anything you would say would be a lie anyways."

"Wait wait wait. I never lied to you-"

"Boy please. Hiding shit is damn near the same thing as lying. I asked you to be open with me from the get go and you couldn't even do that so I'm done."

"Nah fuck that."

"Nigga you don't get a say so in my decision making."

"I don't even know if that baby mine Harlow!"

"That sounds like a personal problem."

"Alright look I used to fuck with the girl before I got locked up, we linked up after I got released, fucked a few times then she came out the blue with this baby shit. I haven't even talked to her in a month or so. Everything is going through my lawyer until I can get these results."

"You're missing the whole point my dude and honestly if you don't get it then I'm glad I found out now because who knows if you would've ever said shit."

Running a hand roughly down his face X stood there in disbelief. He wanted to strangle the fuck out of Lovely but he knew he couldn't place the blame all on her.

"Lo we can work this out I promise you. We can start over, whatever you wanna do."

"I'm done."

"Nope fuck that."

"Lemme ask you this and depending on your answer it will determine where we go from here," nodding his head, X waited for her to continue, "Is there anything else you've hidden from me or lied to me about?"

X hesitated.

He could see Harlow's body slump in defeat.

"I'm kind of like a contract killer."

It was like everything went into slow motion. The rage that took over Harlow's face, the dread that increased in X, he knew he fucked up.

"A contract fuckin killer," Harlow chuckled, "I can't believe this shit. After everything I told you, ha ha, wow alright. Get the fuck out."

"Harlow baby listen," X tried to plead.

"I FUCKIN TOLD YOU! Get out, get out, GET OUT!"

"Let me explain," X attenpted to step her way until she began shaking her head but he ignored it anyways.

"Do not fucking touch me. I want you out of my house and out of my life."

"Lo you don't mean that."

Harlow's head reared back, "I swear to God you must be retarded. I mean what the fuck were you thinking?! Go please just leave."

X shook his head, not wanting to let this go.

As he reached for her Harlow came out of nowhere and decked him in his face and kept at it, aiming for any place that would hurt him as bad as he hurt her.

X didn't want to hit her back but he wouldn't tolerate someone hitting him. Finally getting the chance he placed some space between the two angry lovers. He couldn't believe she hit him while she couldn't believe he hurt her this deep.

Wiping the blood from his face, X took one last look at Harlow, as winded as she was, as heartbroken as she looked with tears running down her face, he knew he would never come across someone as special as her again.

Walking away from her was the hardest thing he ever had to do but he knew she needed space. X knew he fucked up. X knew he made her regret giving in.

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