Gut wrenching sobs wracked Harlow's body as she sat in the corner of her shower with the steaming hot water falling down onto her body.

It was early in the morning, about 3:23 a.m., to be exact and the anniversary of her sisters death.

People always said with time the pain gets easier, but for Harlow, it never did. If anything it became harder. Knowing that her sister was missing out on the precious moments of her kids lives all because one person wanted to play God and be selfish.

Harlow missed her sister in more ways than one. If it wasn't for her sister giving birth to those two children, Harlow wouldn't have any family remaining whatsoever.

"Why God? Why Harmony," Harlow sobbed?

Harmony was only twenty-four when her life was taken from her by her kids father Fabian. Harlow remembered the tragic event as if it was yesterday.

Fabian was a jealous man and it truly showed but Harmony wanted no one but him which is what he didn't understand so one day after coming in from a night of drinking, Fabian stood over Harmony's sleeping body before taking out his gun and shooting her in the head.

There was no sympathy for taking the mother of his kids life. There was no explanation whatsoever. All that was said that if he couldn't have her, no one else could.

It was Hunter who found his parents bodies in a pool of blood; one from a gunshot wound to the head and the other in the tub with his wrists split wide open.

To Harlow, Fabian's death wasn't enough. A part of her wanted him to feel the pain that she had to go through, as well as the pain of the children. She only hoped that he was rotting in hell for what he did.

Some time later, Harlow found herself going through the motions without really trying. She was on auto pilot getting things done.

She made breakfast for the kids, got them dressed and into the car where they would go and visit the place where their mother loved the most.

Back when Harlow and Harmony were in their teens, they discovered a hiking trail on one of their many adventures and when one or the other were going through tough times, the hiking trail is where they would go. Harlow even took it upon herself to share it with Hunter and Hayden.

It was almost two hours later when the three finally reached their destination.

It was almost two hours later when the three finally reached their destination

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Breathing in the fresh air, Harlow was holding on by a thin thread. Taking shallow breaths so that she wouldn't start crying how she wanted to, she gave the children a shaky smile and led the way to an area where they could sit and relax.

"Did you guys write your letters," Harlow asked?

Both Hayden and Hunter answered yes before reaching into the pockets that held them.

"Do either of you want to read it?"

Hayden solemnly shook her head to say 'no' while Hunter looked away to the left before taking a deep breath and answering 'yes'.

"Hey mama, I miss you more than I could say. I wish you were here with us physically. Auntie has been taking great care of us and she's always telling us to be strong but it's so hard," Hunter read, with his voice cracking he continued, "I just want to be a normal kid again mama even if it means without daddy. I just want you here. I just want to be cured of this mental illness. I'm tired of being made fun of and bullied. Sometimes I wish that I could join you but I know you wouldn't want me to leave Auntie and Hayden. I'm really trying mama but I'm tired of fighting this battle. I love you, save me a spot up there," Hunter ended wiping his face all the while Harlow's heart was breaking.

She knew from first hand experience that being a child without parents was hard but she couldn't even say she knew what it was like to be a child dealing with a mental illness as well. And the fact that many people at Hunter's school knew what he was diagnosed with didn't make it any better.

"Come here," Harlow whispered, reaching over and grabbing onto Hunter, pulling him into her embrace.

His body shook due to his harsh crying but you couldn't hear anything coming from him other than his sniffling. Harlow didn't know what steps to take regarding the kids. At this point she felt she needed some serious help especially with Hunter confessing that he would rather be dead with his mom than living anymore. Harlow was at a loss of words and didn't know what to say so she did the next best thing and comforted the children within her embrace.

This is for everyone that wanted me to continue this story, shout out to y'all .. Tell me what y'all think..

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