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Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Harlow busied herself into work and activities with the kids so that she wouldn't have to deal with the pain of having her heart broken amongst other things like being two months, soon to be three months pregnant. As mad as she wanted to be, Harlow loved children and knew that everything happened for a reason. So as bad as the timing was and as sad as she was that she had to be pregnant by X, Harlow sucked up her feelings and put every thing else to the side.

"Have y'all talked yet," Olivia asked?

"Nope," Harlow answered.

"Bitch are you serious? You've known you were pregnant for how long and you still ain't told him?"

"I'll tell him when the time is right," Harlow shrugged.

"Now Harlow, you know I love you but right now, the shit you're doing ain't even you. Fuck yo feelings bitch. You need to be a woman and tell him you pregnant cause Lord if I was him, I'd be hot!"

"Okay well you not him so there's that."

Chuckling to herself, Olivia nodded her head. "Let me get up on out of here before I say some shit that's gon hurt yo feelings."

Without another word, Olivia left closing the door behind her and not a moment later Harlow sobbed into her open palms.

She was tired of being so strong. For once she wanted someone to be strong for her and just when she thought she had that, her dream was snatched from her grasp and she was thrown into reality. She missed X so much, she slept in the clothes she refused to give back, she listened to his voicemails on the daily. She wanted him back but at what cost?

Harlow couldn't deal with the lying and hiding shit and she didn't feel the need to. If you couldn't keep it real then that easily breaks up the solid foundation that she thought they had.

Not only was there another "possible" child but he was a killer and although she had no room to judge, killing was something Harlow despised.

Hours later, dressed in all black, Harlow entered X's place of business. She knew he was there since she called around and asked. Harlow knew Olivia was right, she couldn't hide something like this from him so she grew some balls and made her way to him before she could talk herself out of it.

Voices called out to her in greeting, she waved and smiled back, as she made her way to X's office where she knew he would be. Knocking softly, she waited for him to address her.

"Come in," he barked out.

Sighing softly, trying to gain the courage she needed, Harlow twisted the knob without a second thought otherwise she'd tuck her tail and run back to her safe haven.

Pushing open the door, Harlow first noticed the woman sitting at X's desk but quickly disregarded her once she seen how good X was looking as he sat back smoking his cigar.

Pushing open the door, Harlow first noticed the woman sitting at X's desk but quickly disregarded her once she seen how good X was looking as he sat back smoking his cigar

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Silence filled the air as Harlow fully stepped into the room while closing the door behind her. She didn't even care what X had going on previously before she came but whatever it was could hold off till they were done talking.

X wouldn't take his eyes off of her and Harlow reciprocated the attention all the while feeling the gaze of the unknown woman on her.

"Excuse me but we were addressing something important," the woman spoke after clearing her throat.

"Who are you," Harlow questioned?

"Lovely, the mother of X's son," the woman boasted.

"Oh the bop" Harlow said snidely, "I'm sure whatever y'all were talking about can wait. Now if you'll excuse us," Harlow dismissed her while coming to stand beside X who still has yet to make a move to say anything.

"Girl please. Who do you think you talkin to," Lovely snapped?

"Pipe down lil mama. I'm not the one you want it with," Harlow waved her off before turning her attention back to X, "We need to talk now."

"Lovely Imma hit you later," X dismissed.

Scoffing, Lovely gathered her things before storming out of the room but not forgetting to slam the door.

"All that wasn't even necessary," X began.

"You lying and hiding shit wasn't necessary either but you still did that right? But anyways that's not why I'm here," Harlow paused, going inside of her purse and pulling out the sonogram.

Slamming it into X's chest, "Don't worry, I won't be posting anywhere that you're the father nor will I be taking you to court for child support. I'll contact you to let you know how the doctor visits go so please do not contact me, we still have nothing to talk about. Have a good day Xion," Harlow let out before turning to walk away.

Before she could get far, X snatched her back by grabbing onto the crook of her arm. Snatching her arm out of his grasp, "Nigga don't fuckin touch me."

"You think you bout to deliver this news and stroll out here like that?"


"Well you thought fuckin wrong. Sit yo ass down and talk to me like the grown woman you claim to be."

Rolling her eyes, "Boy please shut the fuck up. I'm pregnant and that's that. I have nothing else to say to you and the longer I stand here I want nothing more than to stab yo ass the fuck up and since I don't want to deliver this baby in a prison I'm bout to walk my grown ass up on out of here," taking one last look at X, Harlow shook her head in disgust.

She couldn't believe this is where they ended up but all she could do now was prepare herself for everything that was to come.

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