"Girl you are wearing the fuck out of that bathing suit," Olivia stated as she snapped her fingers at Harlow.

"Girl you are wearing the fuck out of that bathing suit," Olivia stated as she snapped her fingers at Harlow

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"Thank you girl thank you. You looking damn good yourself. Especially seeing that you just had a baby," Harlow complimented Olivia in return.

 Especially seeing that you just had a baby," Harlow complimented Olivia in return

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"Shit girl you know I worked hard for this body. I gotta keep it up for work," Olivia explained.

With Olivia being a swimsuit model, Harlow could see where she was coming from. Olivia got paid to look good and with a body as nice as hers, it helped sell many bathing suit items. Harlow could vouch for that without a doubt seeing as how she was one of those buyers who bought the items she seen Olivia in.

"But anyways what happened the other day? I went by the spa and your assistant said you weren't there."

"Yeah girl what happened? You didn't even tell me you were leaving," Joie added in.

"My bad yall but Hunter had an episode at school because some knucklehead ass kid was messing with him and I spent the rest of the day getting him to calm down."

"Was it bad," Joie inquired?

"Yeah pretty bad," Harlow sighed, "But it could have been worse."

"What did the boy say," Olivia asked curiously?

"Well," Harlow began, "The boy was basically talking shit about how Hunter didn't have any parents and that his parents didn't want him which is why I have him and his sister and that soon I wouldn't want him either and you know his parents are a sore subject for him," Harlow explained.

"Wow. Kids are so fucked up. I hope you plan on talking to his parents," Joie inputted.

"Of course I am. And then the principal had the fuckin audacity to call him crazy and you know that shit grinds my gears. I was damn near ready to beat the fuck out that bitch but I kept it cool. I'm not tryna bring out Miesha (My-eesha) cause yall know Miesha don't play," Harlow said referring to what people called her alter ego.

Back in middle school, Harlow was very skinny and used to always get picked on because she looked like someone you would identify as the weakest link but one day, Harlow showed just how much of the weakest link she wasn't when she whooped on the biggest bully in the whole school. As Harlow was stomping the poor girls face in she shouted, "I'm Harlow muthafuckin Miesha Larose and don't you forget it bitch," and ever since then it stuck with her.

Harlow was the quiet one who stayed to herself but Miesha was the one who got shit turnt up if need be. And if she let a little liquor get in her system and it was a wrap.

"Yeah we don't need any trips down memory lane. We gon leave Miesha in the past where she belongs," Joie said jokingly making the other girls laugh.

"What's been going on with yall though?"

"Girl nothing just working and being a fine ass mom that's it," Olivia answered.

Shaking her head, Joie added in," Shit you already know between dealing with Rell and lil Rell and working with you I aint been doing shit. This lil BBQ is just what I needed to let loose."

They were having their weekly get together, something that they all started in high school to make sure they all stayed in contact.

This weekend Olivia and her husband Desmond were hosting a BBQ at their gorgeous house.

This weekend Olivia and her husband Desmond were hosting a BBQ at their gorgeous house

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Harlow could only dream of having a family home like this. Not saying that her niece and nephew weren't family but Harlow knew in her heart that her condo couldn't be identified as a family home.

"Wait so what happened wit you and X," Joie inquired? "I seen how tough he was on you at the lounge and the treats he sent, by the way I ate your edible arrangements," she tried to mumble the last part.

"Bitch really," Harlow snapped?!

Everyone knew how much Harlow loved her edible arrangements.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll replace them first thing Monday morning," Joie placated.

"Yeah you better. Extra strawberries too hoe!"

Rolling her eyes, something caught Harlow's attention. Turning her head, to her surprise, she spotted X but that wasn't what made her surprised since they ran with the same crowd, it was the fact that he had a woman with him.

Even though Harlow never went along with X's advances, she'd be lying if she said seeing him with someone else didn't put her off of him.

"Well there he goes," Harlow stated making Joie and Olivia whip their heads to see just who Harlow was talking about.

"Who the fuck is that bitch," Olivia voiced the same question Harlow had in her mind?

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