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Harlow stared down at the pregnancy tests with disbelief. She couldn't believe that she was in this predicament right now. She was in a brand new relationship and was now experiencing the possibility of being pregnant.

As much as she loved children she knew that she wasn't in the position to have her own child. She could barely take care of her sisters kids so how would she take care of her own?

When the timer dinged, Harlow looked at the three pregnancy tests and had to stop herself from fainting.

Each test read negative making Harlow sigh in relief.

It wasn't that she didn't want kids, it was just that her relationship with X was too new for them to have an added bundle. Hell, Harlow was still trying to determine if he was cheating or not because some things still weren't adding up.

Harlow didn't want to come off as insecure and constantly bring up the things on her mind but at the same time, not speaking on what was bothering her was killing her.

Looking at the time, Harlow almost forgot about the lunch she had with the girls before she quickly rushed out of her bedroom and jogged to her out of her house to her car.


"Should we show her," Olivia asked Joie?

Joie screwed up her face.

"Duh bitch. Wouldn't you want to know?"

"Hey y'all," Harlow greeted her best friends before taking a seat.

"Hey girl," Joie greeted back, smiling on the outside but dread twisting up on the inside.

"What's up? Why y'all looking like that," Harlow questioned?

"Olivia show her," Joie said, just wanting to get things over with.

Olivia looked at both of her best friends, one face curious while the other filled with dread before she pulled out her phone and showed Hatlow the Instagram page she stumbled upon.

On the page there was some chick claiming to be pregnant by Harlow's boyfriend and even though Olivia didn't want to believe it, the girl was making it hard not to believe.

Both Joie and Olivia watched intently as Harlow's once content face dropped. Her happy eyes filled with tears. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it.

Harlow thought X was the one and even with these pictures in front of her, she still wanted to give his lying ass the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately for X, Harlow already have him his one and only chance to be open about anything and everything and he fucked that up.

Harlow honestly didn't see any way that he could come back from this.

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