Chapter Thirteen - Jealousy

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Kay kay my minions, another chappy for you'se, because I wuv you THIIIIISSS much XD Not in a weird, perverted kind of way or anything.... *Throws neurotic glances over shoulders.* Anywhoser, I'm getting really excited (and not in that way you dirty minded little children!!! XD) because my fave chappy of PW so far is number 14 (me thinks... *scratches head*) and I was in tears of laughter whilst writing it. Although chappy 15 gives it a run for its money... So yeah, look forward to that! I'm not really happy with the way this chappy came out. I don't know why. I just quickly read over it (still no time to edit, sorry!) and I wasn't too pleased about it. If any of you find something wrong with it or anything don't be afraid to tell me in the comments below, I really wanna know why it doesn't have its usual lustre... *Pouts.*

Anyway, you know what to do, vote, comment, fan, act out your fave Glee number. I have no idea why I'm talking about Glee right now, I don't even watch it *shrugs* Who knows? ... I think I should go now. I'm just making this even more painful.... BYE!!!!

Chapter Thirteen - Jealousy

“You wanna come over?” I asked into the receiver. “My parents are gonna be gone for the week.”

“The whole week?” he asked.

“Yep, they don’t get back until next Monday,” I said, playing with the hem of my shirt.

“You know you could stay here?” he said.

“I know but... I like being here on my own... it’s just...”

“You’re scared after the last time,” he finished for me, his voice quiet. Despite those being the exact words I was thinking, I found myself adamantly denying and arguing with them.

“No. I’m not scared,” I said defiantly.

“It’s alright if you are Nat. It’s normal you know,” he told me. Normal is not a word I’d use to describe myself, but whatever.

“I’m not scared! I just don’t like the idea of being murdered in my sleep.” He chuckled softly.

“Do you want me to stay over again? I can pack some stuff up. My parents won’t care.”

“You know what’s weird?”

“You?” he suggested.

“Very funny, what are you a comedian now? No, my mum suggested the same thing.”

“What, for me to stay over?”

“Yeah, before she told me that I’m not good enough for Kyle that is,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I closed my eyes and bit my tongue to stop myself from saying anything else stupid I wasn’t supposed to.

“She said that?” he asked softly after a quiet moment.

“Not in so many words. Look I didn’t mean to say that, can we just forget it?”

“Is that what you want?” I thought about it for a moment. Was it?

“... Yeah. You don’t need to stay over. I just figured you could come over tonight and we could watch some movies. We haven’t worn in my Friday the 13th box set yet,” I tempted, knowing Morgan was partial to the original Friday the 13th movies.

“Do you want me to bring the popcorn?” he asked.

“Screw popcorn, bring candy!” I ordered. He laughed.

“Okay, I’ll be over in about an hour, I’ve just gotta finish up some stuff.”

“Is that code for ‘plan an attack’?” I asked.

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