Chapter Twenty-Six - Lies

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Woo, two chapters in three days, what on Earth is going on here??? O.O... xD I'm halfway through the next chapter at the moment, so it MAY be up tomorrow, if not, then Tuesday by the latest.

This is the second version I wrote of this chapter, and I couldn't decide between this one and the previous, which is kind of stupid as the only thing that changed was the setting towards the end of the chappy, but even now I can't choose. I might upload the other version of it separately if I get too indecisive xD

Anywho, I'll make this short and sweet, you guys know what to do (*cough*comment*cough*) ahem... =) Have an awesome weekend you guys!

Chapter Twenty-Six - Lies

"What are you doing here?" I asked in shock when I opened it and found the last person I ever expected to be there.

"Bree called me... I can leave, if you want," Morgan replied, his face unsure.

"Since when do you care about what I want?" I snapped. He visibly flinched, and I ignored the guilt that settled in my gut. I had no reason to feel guilty over Morgan.

At least that's what I told myself.

I held the door open and stepped aside; waiting impatiently until he walked through before I closed it. He was decked out in a full black suit, a white tie tucked into his jacket. I presumed he, like the rest of us, was going to the formal. Then again, perhaps he just went all out for Mr Whiskers.

"Where's Bree?" he asked, avoiding eye contact with me.


"Is she okay?"

"Of course she's not okay, she's completely devastated. What are you, stupid?" I snapped. It was a rhetorical question, of course Morgan was stupid. He was, after all, Morgan.

"Right. You uh... you look really‒"

"Oh for God's sake, don't even bother," I bit out before striding past him to the back door. "Is everything almost ready?" I called out to Henry and Jake. Henry gave me a thumbs up as Jake stuck the shovel in the ground and turned to me.

"Yeah, but we might want to hurry it up, it looks like it's gonna start raining," he called out.

"Okay, you two get the umbrella's, I'll get Bree," I told them, going back to her room. On the way I passed Sammy and Brendan as the doorbell rung. "That'll be Bryant. Unless Bree has anymore unexpected guests," I added with a sharp look in Morgan's direction, "can you get it?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Sammy answered in surprise when she saw him standing in the hall.

"Bree, sweetie, everything's ready. We need to be quick because it looks like it's gonna start raining," I called softly as I knocked on the door and poked my head through.

"Okay then, can you help me with this?" she asked, nodding down to a makeshift cross she'd made from two small frames of wood, most likely glue-gunned together, and wound in red ribbon.

"That's beautiful," I told her as I held it in place while she glued the ribbon together.

"It'll have to do for now. I'll get Jake and Henry to make a proper one in metalwork," she answered quietly.

"You could've given me some warning you know," I said softly, "that you invited Morgan."

"I didn't plan it. I called him after Bryant. I wanted him here," she said defensively.

"I know, that's okay. I just wish you would've told me," I said as I helped her up. There was no point in arguing with her when she was so upset, even though I knew she was lying from the way she wouldn't meet my eyes and her fingers kept twitching. Morgan wasn't there because she wanted his support, that much I knew

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