Little bad girl

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"Ariana, we need to talk." My mum announces in dead-serious tone.

"What again?" I growl and take can of soda out of the fridge.

She takes a deep breath before explaining. "Your father and I decided... that you are going to change your school."

"What the fuck? I'm not!" I exclaim and slam the door of the fridge.

"You know that your behaviour here is really bad. You've been punished for smoking in school theritory seven times, for drinking public three times... And I can't even count, how many times for fighting, too. We can't let you live here and go to this school." Her voice is calm and almost emotionless.

"Bite me!" I shout at her. "Everybody loves me here and I'm the best damn thing they've ever seen!"

"Ariana, you can't change anything. You will live in your cousins flat. He's 27 years old, he can take care about you. Your new school will be only few blocks away from the apartment." My mother says.

"What the hell? I don't even know the dude! I'm pretty sure I have never even met him!" 

She ignores my objections. "Go to your room and pack everything you need. We're leaving tomorrow." 

"But mum..." I try one last time.

"No buts. It's already decided and there's nothing you can do about it."  
"Fuck you." I mumble before turning around and walking back to my room.


Oh, wait! This isn't how it starts. Let's start from thevery beginning!

Little bad girlWhere stories live. Discover now