Chapter 2 - getting ready -

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Me:"Meet me 5 p.m. The same place. xo "

Joannie: "Ok. xo "

Joannie was my best friend since 7th garde. Of course I had many friends and few best friends but she was my best best friend, if you know what I mean. She was the first person who knew what happened in my "Sweet sixteen birthday party". Yeah, that dirty little "secret" about what I already told. Okay, only one day after it, it wasn't a secret anymore. Whole school knew every detail of it. But I knew that it wasn't Joannies fault. Kyle told it to everyone. That he fucked me, where he touched me and etc. I'm quite sure he told it to everybody. Then I felt like a slut when everyone was talking about that but then... I thought, it's not that bad. It only made my popularity bigger. I was cool, sexy and every guy wanted me. After that I totally stayed the most popular girl in whole school.


"What's up?" Joannie smiled to me.

"I'm moving." I made Grumpy Cat face.

"What? Where?" She was shocked.

"I will live with my cousin in his flat and I will go to other school." I growled.

"Is your cousin hot?" My best friend looked to me with that "dirty look".

"What?!" I rolled my eyes. "Damn, Joannie, he's my cousin, I'm not gonna have sex with him!"

"If I'd be in your place, I wouldn't care." She giggled.

"You're pervert." I shaked my head.

"But really..." Joannie smiled archly.

"I'm sure he has a girlfriend. And he's 10 years older than me and HE IS MY COUSIN." I grimaced.

"We'll see, we'll see." She laughed with tears in her eyes.

"I would never do that." My bestie is irreversible.

"Never say never..." Joannie started to sing one of Justin Bieber's cheesy songs.

"Oh, God, stop!" I grimaced. She knew that I totally can't stand Bieber because I think, he looks so gay. Who the fuck would have a haircut like that? And voice? Doesn't sound like a man even, excuse me.

"Do you tried to talk to your mum?" Joannie asked worriedly.

"I did! But she acts like a bitch. She even doesn't let me tell something about it. She just said that I should move to other school and that's it! I can't change anything because I bet that my dad agrees to that, too." I hissed.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Maybe everything won't be that bad." She smiled.

"It will be! I hate my life!" I shouted. Few people came to their apartment's windows and gave me really weird looks. I showed them my tongue and they dissapeared behind the curtains. Joannie chuckled but then made very sad face. 

"I will miss you." Joannie hugged me.

"I'll miss you, too." I sniffed.

"Promise, you will call?" She asked.


"Umm, okay, I don't have much time. Mum wants me to already be home. He was really mad when I get out." Joannie looked worried.

'Okay, bye." I weaved.



Bam. Feels like I just lost my whole life. My best friend (no matter that she will call me), my popularity, my boyfriends (or fuck friends, call what you want) and was so stupid. Next afternoon I'll be already there. I know, I won't fit in there. I just know. I know that I will call Joannie but I'm loosing my other friends, like Jessica, Kate, Ashley, Stefani, Clara, Jane, Bridget, Alaina, Melanie, Heather... All my girls! What I will do without them? They always made me look cool and fabulous. Because what would be popular girl without her girlfriends?  In that situation she would just lose her status, like I am loosing it right now.

When I'll be there, I'll be nothing. NOTHING. I'll need to start from white piece of paper. Do you get it? Oh shit, I hate my life. And I really wish that here would be just some random guy. Why? Because sex always makes me feel better. I'm addicted to it. And I like to fuck a lot with different guys. New experience always is a good thing, right? 

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