Chapter 7 - just friends -

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"Bye!" Lindsay said and weaved us.

"Bye!" I and Jacob smiled. Lindsay lived only few blocks away, right after clothes shop. Jacob lived two blocks away from me. Okay, from Luke's flat. I will live there only for nine months. And then... What then? Adios, bitches, I don't have to be here anymore! I will have my oqn amazing life and I won't give a fuck what everyone other thinks of me, my look, my friends and they way I act. How can't my new schoolmates see that I am such a star?

"So... What you will do now?" Jacob stared at me. Few moments passed when I finally understand what he's asking to me and that he's even talking to me. I looked around.

"Err... I don't know." I bet he's totally into me. I just know it. The way he looks at me, the way he talks to me... He could be one of those prince charmings who are every girl's dream. He's got blonde, messy hair, eyes - green like grass in summer, just perfect light pink lips... Jacob was athletic, he dressed very well and he was nice to everyone. I wonder why he's still not the most popular boy in this school.

"Jacob?" I've got damn question on my lips. I knew, I shouldn't ask him this but I just wanted to know it.

"Mm?" That thoughtful look made him even sexier. My heart started to melt.

"Do you... have a girlfriend?" Shit. Now he will think that I want to be his girlfriend. Shit. It's not like I don't wanna but... I wanna but I can't say it to him. Not now.

"No." Boy put his hands into jeans pockets and stared to me with a little smile.

"Why?" Oh, could I sound more stupid than I was now? Who even asks this kind of question?

"I still haven't find the one." Jacob answered with a little laugh.

"So you're that type of guy who's waiting for his princess." I chuckled. "Do you think that this The One girl for you really exists?"

"I'm sure." He rolled his big, green eyes.

"So you met someone and not sure is she The One? But you think that she could be, right?" I myself didn't understand what kind mess of words I just said. Awkward alert in my head now is totally on. 

"True." Jacob raised little rock and then threw it away. "And you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm new one in school." It was my turn to roll eyes. "How could I have a boyfriend?"

"You're cool. Why not? I mean, you look like that girl which who everyone wants to be friends with." That was a copliment, right? Aww...

"I was." I bite my lip."Before I moved here. But I haven't had real boyfriend whatever."

"What means real? Virtual relationships? Imaginary boyfriend?" Jacob laughed.

"No." I couldn't laugh. "I was..."

"What?" He seriously looked to me. "What you was?"

"A slut." I looked to the ground. "I hate myself for it. I slept with many guys only because they were cute and I like sex. A lot." Few moments guy didn't say anything.

"So you don't want to be like that anymore?" Boy asked, looking to the ground, too.

"I don't know. I feel good when I'm doing it but... After that I feel shame like it would be something wrong." Now I told him even more than I ever told Joannie. 

"Maybe you still haven't find the one." Jacob explained.

"I'm not sure, should I believe all this "The One" stuff." I snorted.

"You will change your thoughts of it later." Guy smiled.

"Maybe. Okay, this is where I live." I indicated to apartment house.

"Oh...So, bye." He looked a bit dissapointed and had a little, sad smile in his pretty face.

"Wait!' I smiled, turned around, ran to him and hugged him.

"Woah. For what this was?" Jacob widened his green eyes.

"For beeing such a good friend. Bye." I turned around and weaved.

"Bye." Boy bite his lip. I'm an expert to boy things and... looks like he's flirting with me. But were just friends... Just friends, I reminded to myself, and nothing more. You are not in love, I continued. The fuck! I don't believe in myself. I will figure these relationships with Jacob later. Now I gotta do some other things.

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