A Fro-Yo Day With Adrien?

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Adrien was walking towards the front of the school then he saw Marinette.  He at some point in his life had to move away from ladybug, not that he still didn't like her, he just figured since he knew he would never have a chance with her that he might as well just find someone else to like.  He likes Marinette not because he had pity for her, but because she was so sweet,caring, and cute.  He hadn't told Nino yet because he knew it would be weird telling him that he likes his best friend's ex-crush.  Adrien thought to himself, "I mean sure he has Alya but still I think I will just wait to tell him."  As he was walking towards Marinette he saw her get nervous and start to blush.  His plan was to tell her if she wanted to go to the movies this weekend but Alya and Nino were right next to her.  So instead of asking her out to the movies he simply said, "Hey Marinette."   Marinette was really shy and nervous around Adrien so whenever she talked to him, she stuttered, "H-hey Adrien." And she stuttered..."Oh well there isn't much I can do about it.",Marinette thought.  Adrien focused so much on Marinette that he had forgot to say hi to Alya and Nino.  "Hey bro!",Nino yelled out.  When Nino said that, he pulled Adrien out of the trance that was known as Marinnete.  Adrien looked at him and realized once again that him and Marinnete weren't the only people around.  Adrien got upset at his friend for taking him out of the so called trance, Adrien didn't show that he was upset though, he quickly forgave his friend and finally replied, "Hey Nino!"  Alya had to cut in as well, "Hey Adrien!"   This time he replied quicker than he did with Nino, "Hey Alya!" All four of the friends walked to class together talking and planning what they should do at the end of the day when school ends. Alya and Nino suggested a fro-yo day and Adrien added that maybe since there was a park by the fro-yo store they could all eat there. Marinette was quiet the whole time they were planning, she was too busy thinking about why Adrien had only said hello to her and not the others. Marinnete questioned in her thoughts, "Was he mad at the them?" A few minutes went by as they were finally at their first class of the day. 
  A few hours later...
"Finally we are out of school till Monday!" ,Nino and Alya said in sync.  "So are we still going to buy fro-yo at the shop?", Adrien questioned.  "Yeah sure let's go get it now!", Alya said, "Hey Marinete are you coming?"  Marinette had to think but there was no time so the words rolled right off her tongue, "Yeah. Sure."

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