I'm Sick

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Well as you can obviously tell by the title, I'm sick... I'm like so sick I think the only thing really helping me is the people around my house, wattpad fam, and smol af fluffy puppies.
Here's why I had to say it:
1. The next chapter is going to be delayed because I guess my stuffy nose and sore throat want to make it so I can't even write a single word down.
2. My nose and throat also apparently keeps me from finding out how to even start the chapter and the only reason why I'm able to write this is because it's like I'm talking to a person.
3.I just needed to let you all know the chapter will be delayed till I'm over being sick, if I'm still sick by next Sunday/Monday then I'll find a way to work through being sick and start writing the chapter.
Till next time xoxo,Ladybug1077

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