Your Bed Was Just So Comfy

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After school ended Alya,Marinette,Adrien,and Nino decided to go to Marinette's house.  Every time Adrien tried to get close to Marinette, she moved aside a litte while continuing to walk.  When they all got to Marinette's house Nino and Alya grabbed two red spinny chairs to sit in, while Marinette and Adrien sat on Marinette's pink bed with a cat pillow by her head board.  There was silence for a short amount of time until Marinette said,"I'm gonna go get snacks from the bakery, down stairs."  Marinette got up and went down the stairs, to the bakery. As soon as Alya was 100% sure that Marinette was gone, she quickly spoke out,"So Adrien, what's with you and Marinette? Huh?"  Adrien was sweating like crazy, he couldn't think of a single thing to tell Alya.  He was hoping that Alya would lecture him so he wouldn't have to answer that question.  Nino looked at his best friend and said to Alya,"Maybe you should cool it a bit Alya."  Nino wanted to know what was up with Adrien lately, but he didn't want him being hounded by Alya.  No it was not because Nino was jealous that Alya would be hovering over him.  It was because if Aya wants to know something she WILL find out one way or another.  Alya looked at Nino, gave a small growl, and said,"Fine, you're off the hook for now Agrest.  Oh and one more thing, If you break Marinette's heart I will break you." Adrien gave a scared smile and nodded.
5 minutes later...
"Marinette still hasn't come back. Maybe I should check on her.",Adrien thought. Adrien was worried that something has happened to Marinette so he told Alya and Nino,"Hey guys I'm gonna go check on Marinette. Ok?" Nino nodded and Alya said,"Ohh looks like lover boy is gonna check on his girlfriend." Adrien rolled his eyes and went down the stairs to check on Marinette. When he turned around the corner he saw that Marinette was sound asleep on her counter. He walked over to Marinette, he didn't want to disturb her beautiful sleep so he picked her up bridal style and went back up the stairs to her bedroom. He walked in the door Alya was about to say something but she saw Marinette sleeping in Adrien's arms. Alya instead said,"Well if she is asleep then what are we going to do?" Adrien gave her a face(the type of face that you give your friends when they something s they know the answer to). Adrien answered anyway,"We leave." Alya and Nino got up and started to walk out the door while Adrien placed Marinette in her bed. Alya stood at the door and said,"You coming Agrest?" Adrien didn't want to go, he just wanted to be near her all day,"Yeah I'll catch up. You go ahead with Nino I'm just gonna say good night." Alya simply nodded as she finally took Nino's advice and gave Adrien a break. Adrien thought,"She must be tired. She was finally on time to class today, she probably got up early." Adrien put a blanket over Marinette. As he was about to leave he felt a hand grab his arm. To be more specific, Marinette's hand. Marinette was too tired to process any words, she felt so comfortable in her bed so instead of talking she pulled Adrien to her side. Adrien let out a yawn and thought,"Stay awake." After a little while that he fell asleep right by Marinette.
With Alya and Nino...
"Hey Alya we're is Adrien.",Nino said.  Alya gave a smirk knowing what happened,"Oh I don't know.  Oh well he said he would catch up.  He'll probably just walk to his house after he says good night even thought it's like 5:00pm." Alya and Nino walked to their house and went to their room.
The next morning...
Marinette's alarm went off.  Marinette's eyes opened up as she lazily got up from bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.  After a few minutes of being in bed Adrien quickly got up and realized that he wasn't in his room.  Adrien also realized that there was water running and it was coming towards Marinette's bathroom.  He heard the water turn off.  He was going to run out the door but then he thought,"Wait I can't go out the door Marinette's parents will see me."  He was thinking about hiding but where?  As soon as he found a spot he was going to hide in, the bathroom door opened and out came Marinette wearing a towel around her body.  Marinette looked over and saw Adrien.  She said,"A-Adrien what are you doing here?"  Marinette and Adrien blushed while he tried to put an answer together,"Oh umm well see."  He had to be completely honest,"Ok so you might not remember this but, you fell asleep on the bakery counter, I picked you up and put you to bed, I was about to leave but then you grabbed my hand and pulled me next to you, and I was starting to fall asleep... So yeah I think you know were this is going."  Marinette blushed even harder when she remembered that she pulled him next to her," I'm so sorry."  Adrien nodded and said," It's fine.  Anyway your bed is so comfy I couldn't help but fall asleep."  They just looked at each other for a little bit until Marinette realized that the only thing covering her was her towel.  She blushed and said,"Oh umm hehe. Well you should probably go.  My parents aren't awake right now so...yeah."  She gave a wave as Adrien left the room.

Omg I took a long time to update. So sorry, but at least it's summer break📅 and I finally have the time to write so yeah. All together there was about 933 words(not including this part in bold). I know you all might hate me for doing this but SPOILER-The next chapter has my fav ship (Marichat) or at it might be slowly morphing into a Marichat chapter, I haven't decided yet.
Till next time xoxo-Ladybug1077

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