"I'm Sorry But, My Heart Belongs To Someone Else"

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Marinette woke up looking over to her dresser which had white/pink roses on them.  She walked over to the bouquet and smelled on of the roses.  She smiled knowing that they were a gift from Chat.  She just didn't quite remember when he visited her, she shrugged and got ready for school, completely forgetting about the video.
At School on Monday...
Marinette walked up the school stairs and looked around, she thought,"Why is everyone staring at me?  I'll go ask Alya."  She walked towards Alya and Nino and asked,"Why is everyone staring at me?"  Alya looked at her saying,"You forgot?!"  Marinette went wide eyed and said,"Yes, I forgot.  Now tell me why they're staring."  Alya looked at Marinette and whispered into Nino's ear,"Just give her a few minutes."  Marinette stood there baffled until someone yelled out,"Hey Marinette, what's with you and Chat Noir!"  She face palmed herself thinking,"ugh how could I forget.  What do I say, what do I say?"  She just looked away hoping nothing else would happen.  She was wrong, everything else happened, everyone came running up to her, asking questions about her and Chat.  Adrien was in the back of the crowded people.  Chloe spoke out and said,"What did you do to Chat to make him like you, I mean it's obvious no one could like someone like you."  Once Adrien heard that ran behind the school and transformed into Chat.  He was on the roof above everyone else and yelled out,"Hey!  Don't you dare say that to my princess!"  Everyone looked up at Chat with their mouths wide open.  Chat used his baton to slide down to Marinette.  She blushed as Chat put his arm around her.  Not long after that everyone started asking Marinette and Chat about their relationship.  Chat took it like they were the news asking questions about him and Ladybug, he answered some and ignored others.  Marinette just stood there blushing.  When Chat's ring beeped he quickly spun Marinette around and gave her a quick peck on the lips, after that saying,"see you later princess."  He winked and ran off to detransform. The bell rung indicating it was time for class. Adrien ran through the classroom doors with everyone staring at him, the teacher suddenly yelled out,"Adrien! If you're going to be late for class at least try to come in subtle, like Marinette." Everyone started to laugh and Adrien sat down in his seat. Nino whispered,"Dude, you missed everything. Chat Noir was here and he--" Alya kicked the back of his desk and cleared her throat nodding her head and moving her eyes to Marinette. Nino said nothing for the rest of class but as for Adrien, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Marinette. Whenever Adrien looked at Marinette all she could think was,"OMG, he saw the video, no doubt. He must hate me, I kinda cheated on him even though I'm not really his girlfriend. But--no, stop Marinette, he never actually said that he was your boyfriend and I mean he doesn't deserve to be with someone who doesn't like him. Wait I mean...I like him but as a friend, I like Chat like a um...boyfriend." She felt her face burn up when she thought about Chat.
After class...
Marinette was reading a book in her bed when she heard a tap at her window. She looked over seeing Chat. She walked over and unlocked her balcony window to let Chat in. Chat walked in her room and said,"What you up to princess?" She replied,"Oh nothing I was just reading a book in my bed but now I'm about to give you a lecture on why you came to my scho--" Chat stopped her with a kiss, he didn't care anymore, he wanted everyone to know about them, he loved her and he didn't want to hide it anymore. He moved to her jaw and then to her neck, he left trails of kisses all over. Marinette was left breathless trying to speak but she could form a sentence all that would come out of her mouth was,"C-chat...I-I..." Chat stopped kissing and whispered into her neck,"You what?" He made a devilish grin. Marinette took a moment to catch her breath and said,"I-I love you, you stupid cat." She was about to take her turn in kissing him but he stopped her and said,"Sorry but I need to be somewhere, like you know, patrol." Marinette went wide eyed and thought,"ugh I forgot, we have patrol." She pushed him out saying,"Yeah, you don't want to keep ladybug waiting, do you? Bye." Marinette waited till Chat left, locked her window, and transformed.
At patrol...
Ladybug appeared and calmly said,"Oh hey Chat." Chat looked at her and felt her head. He moved his hand away quickly and said,"Ladybug, you're burning up. You should go back to your house and rest." Ladybug felt her head and said,"Oh uh what? No I'm fine, it's nothing." She knew the reason she was burning up, Chat's sweet kisses.  Chat looked at her for a moment then gave up,"Ok fine, I believe you."  Ladybug smiled and said,"So Chat since there doesn't seem to be an akuma, do you want to go to the Eiffel Tower and talk."  Chat thought about it for a moment and said,"hmm ok."  When they got there Chat asked,"So what do you want to talk about?"  Ladybug licked her lips and without thinking kissed Chat.  Chat went wide eyed and moved back.  Chat kindly said,"I-I'm sorry but my heart belong to someone else."  Ladybug stepped back tearing up and left with a swing of her yo-yo.
Omfg I didn't know I would do this so quick but here it is, the chapter that changes it all.  Let me explain, ladybug forgot that Chat didn't know her identity.  *cough* *cough*  A few of you said I broke the #1 ML rule, she's not that smart.  Well this chapter is your guys fault😈(lol jk, kinda...)
Shout out time😃...
Buntytrotters <--I broke the ML rule, did I, oops sorry
TEAGANTHEAMAZING <--hope I didn't break any other ML rules
chibiHun <--thanks for the idea on the chapter
Ok that's it for now ❤️❤️❤️
Till next time xoxo, Ladybug1077

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