Marichat Selfie?

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Chat broke the kiss when he heard footsteps coming towards the room.  He quickly said,"I hear someone coming.  I'll be back to finish this later, ok?"  Marinette said,"Oh, I didn't know that we aren't finished but if you insist, ok."  After that she turned back to her room she sat on the bed waiting for Alya.  When Alya came back a couple of seconds later, she came with a few snacks and tissues but then quickly said,"So Marinette have you...I don't know...have you by any chance seen one of those people you were talking about lately?  To be more specific the funny,sweet,kind,flirty one. " That took Marinette by surprise,"Huh!? W-What do you mean? Of course I haven't!" Alya did that 'of course you did' face and nodded,"Oh well I mean I would believe you it's just that I got a video that was sent to everyone at school including me, obviously." Marinette went wide eyed,"Wait what?! Let me see!" Alya put the phone in front of her friend and said,"What is this!" It was a video of Chat coming up to Marinette's window, Chat hugged Marinette, and not long after that it showed Marinette pulling away slightly and kissing Chat. Marinette couldn't even answer Alya's question all she wanted to do was figure out who sent the video to the whole school, more importantly who took the video. Marinette's face was red, part of the reason to that would be because she was mad and the other part is because she just relived the moment she had with Chat.  Marinette practically shouted,"Who took this!?"  Alya was surprised at her friend, she never shouted.  Marinette sighed and said,"I-I'm sorry Alya.  It's just that video.  I didn't think anyone would see that.  But since the whole school saw I don't even think I can show my face without being crowded by everyone."  Alya looked at her friend and told her,"It's ok Marinette.  Anyway if you want to know who took the video, you can't freak out or get mad, ok?"  Marinette nodded as she heard Alya say,"Chloe."  Marinette felt her heart drop.  "Of course it was Chloe who did it.  She can be such a witch."  Alya's phone chimed, she got a text from her mother saying that she had to go home.  Alya waved her hand and said bye to Marinette.  After Alya left, Marinette saw Chat at her balcony and let him in.  After Marinette let him in she said," Oh hey Chat.  I didn't know you were coming this early."  He looked at her and smirked,"Well to be completely honest, I never left."  It was Marinette's turn for a smirk and a come back,"Ohh.  Stalk much.  But anyways as you were saying earlier, we should finish what we started."  Chat made his way closer to Marinette, who was sitting on her bed.  He sat down in front of her, leaned close, and at the last minute Marinette turned her head resulting in Chat kissing her cheek.  Chat saw the game she wanted to play.  He looked around the room and saw that she had pictures of him in civilian form by her computer, so he walked over to them, picked up the framed one and said,"What were you saying earlier about me being a stalker?  Hmm?"  She blushed and told him,"I forgot to take those down.  Sorry."  She laughed a little knowing that it did seem a little bit like a stalker move.  He looked at her with those emerald eyes and implied,"Don't be sorry, it's kinda cute."  She shook her head saying,"No I just realized it's kinda creepy."  She took a box out from under her bed, walked over to the other photos, and took them all down she left the framed one that Chat had.  She gave a small smile to Chat and pointed out that her wall looked so plain.  That was when her smile picked up as she asked Chat if he wanted to take a picture with her.  Chat looked astonished as he thought,"My princess wanted to take a picture with me?"  He nodded his head excitedly.  Marinette took out her phone and took a picture, she looked at it and told Chat that there was something missing.  She went back to her camera and took another picture but this one wasn't just a normal picture with Marinette smiling next to Chat, this time it was a picture of her kissing Chat on the cheek.  She looked at it in her photo album and smiled.  She went to her computer, connected her phone to a USB cord  and told Chat to wait at the computer so he can tell her when the loading bar was full.  After a few minutes he saw the bar filled up,"Hey princess, the loading bar is full."  She smiled and blushed when he said princess.  She got lost in her thoughts,"I'm really getting used to that."  She let out a laugh as she pressed a flashing green button on her printer, right after she pressed the button, the printer started to spit out a piece of paper.  She walked over to Chat and showed him what was on the paper.  He saw it and turned red.  Marinette took out one of her old pictures from a frame and replaced it with the new one of her and Chat.

I'm leaving the story here because if I made it any longer I wouldn't have anything to write in the next chapter. I did say I would make it a little longer than my last chapter and I did(this part in bold does not count). It might not look like it but this is about 150 more words than the last chapter. Also I'm getting some help from sweetprincessluck on tumblr, idk her account name on here but if you want to check her out here's the link-
I just wanted to let you guys know that if my next chapter is much better then it's because I was getting help from her.  Ok so I just gotta say one thing, how in the freaking world do you guys get me from 2k views to 3k views in like 4-5 days?  I'm not even kidding when I say you guys are just blowing my mind!  One more thing before I go, you all are just miraculously amazing!
Till next time xoxo-Ladybug1077

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