I Just Want All My Time With You

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It's been two whole days since she kissed Adrien and Chat.  Saturday and Sunday went by like a blur.  Marinnete returned to school feeling guilty.  How was she supposed to live after she kissed Adrien,the boy she loved and right after that kissing her crime fighting partner in civilian form.  Even worse was the fact that she kissed Chat almost as if she had no problem doing it.  When she saw Adrien walking up to her she got really nervous and thought,"What if he heard about the kiss with me and Chat?"  Adrien walked up to Marinette and said,"Hey Marinette."  He was about to kiss her on the cheek because she was looking in her locker but she turned her face and he accidentally kissed her on her perfectly pink lips.  Marinette just felt all her guilt leaking away. Well maybe at first it was an accident but it definitely wasn't anymore, Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette's tiny frame as Marinette wrapped one of her hands around Adrien's back side of the neck as the other hand was brushing it's way through Adrien's hair gently.  All the girls in the hall way cooed as the boys started to tease.  For example one boy said,"ohh looks like Adrien's got a girlfriend!" Chloe heard the comment and ran to Adrien only to find him making-out with Marinette. Everyone who was cooing and teasing stopped as they saw a blonde pony tail making it's way to Adrien and Marinette. Adrien and Marinette broke the kiss when they heard no one other than Chloe,"MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG!  I KNEW IT!  YOU WERE ALWAYS JEALOUS OF ME!  ADRIKENS LET'S GO, THIS MARINETTE GIRL DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!"  Adrien quickly defended Marinette,"Chloe don't get mad because I kissed her and don't call me Adrikens anymore, ok Chloe.  I'm her boyfriend not yours." Guilt started to leak back into Marinette as she thought,"I'm so stupid. Of course it wasn't just a measly kiss. I'm his girlfriend." Chloe scoffed at Marinette and left. Alya and Nino saw the whole thing.  Alya was surprised and pulled Marinette away from Adrien so they could talk,"Why didn't you tell me?"  Marinette was confused at first but then she realized what Alya had been talking about,"Oh that that was um...um..."  Alya just looked at her and said,"Really ,so you don't know about any of that.  Even the part were Adrien said that you were his girlfriend."  Marinette didn't know what to say,"I need to talk to him and probably after that I could answer your questions." Marinette left Alya and turned to Adrien and Nino who were talking about the same thing,"Adrien can we talk? Alone?" Adrien followed Marinette to a private area were nobody else could hear their conversation. After Marinette pulled Adrien away she said,"What was that?" Adrien couldn't reply. Even he didn't know what to say,"I-I..." Marinette's mind was spinning. She just didn't know who she loved more Chat or Adrien?  In the distance there was a loud boom and crash.  Marinette and Adrien thought,"Time to transform!"  They both ran in opposite directions.  There was a pink flashing around Marinette after she said,"Tikki spots on!" and a green flashing around Adrien after he said,"Plagg claws out!" 
A few minutes later...
Ladybug and Chat noir quickly defeated the villain with one easy lucky charm and one cataclysm. "L-Ladybug...?",Chat said softly with a sad and confused look on his face. Ladybug was worried about him, he never looked so down in all his life. "Yeah Chat?",Ladybug replied. Chat just couldn't do it anymore he needed to tell someone,"I-I like you ladybug." Ladybug was less worried when she heard him say that,"Yeah. Tell me something I don't know." Chat looked at her with those eyes, those wonderful emerald eyes. Ladybug started to take it more seriously when she saw that his eyes were full of doubt and worry. Chat broke the silence,"But...I also think I might like someone else." Ladybug's eyes went wide,"I didn't know that..."  Ladybug noticed that Chat's eyes were getting watery,"So...um...If you like her why don't you ask her out."  Chat's voice got quiet as he said,"Oh...uh...Well see...I think she might be scared of me?"  Ladybug was about to laugh but she couldn't she had to keep Chat calm,"Why would you say that?  I don't know one person who would be scared of a little kitty like you."  Chat smiled a little,"Well she always runs away or stutters something when I'm with her and recently I just called her my girlfriend and the akuma came before I could get to finish our conversation."  Ladybug went to her own world for a moment,"Wait Adrien called me his girlfriend and the akuma and oh god, no this cant possibly be!  Adrien can't be Chat!  I mean he could be but then that would mean...nope, I'm not doing this, I am not going to overthink one silly coincidence.  Just keep minding your own business and don't make a big deal about it, I mean it might not even be him."  Chat noticed that ladybug was starting at mid-air,"Ladybug?  Hey Ladybug you there?"  Ladybug snapped out of it,"Huh.  Oh yeah I'm here I was just thinking for a moment."  There was silence for about a whole minute or so until Ladybug and Chat heard a beeping sound.  The two heros said their goodbye and were off.  Ladybug went in one direction as Chat went in the other.  Chat reverted to his civilian self in a subway station and Ladybug reverted in an old ally way.
A few days later...
'It was patrol day and Chat was running late so Ladybug thought maybe she could sing a little,"I'm not bulletproof when it comes to you. Don't know what to say when you make me the enemy. After the war is won, there is always the next one. I'm not bulletproof when it comes to you. Maybe I'll crash into you, maybe we'll open these wounds. We're only alive if we bruise. So I lay down this armor. I will surrender tonight before we both loose this fight." There was a familiar voice that interrupted Ladybug,"Wow my lady! You're a wonderful singer." Ladybug was so surprised she jumped and felt her legs give out,"Ahh! Oh...um...Chat. H-Hey."  Ladybug fell to the floor unexpectedly. Chat went to help her to her feet again. Chat gave an apologetic look,"Oh sorry my lady I didn't mean to scare you.  Oh and I'm also sorry for being late." Ladybug was still surprised and her heart was beating fast,"Oh it's fine Chat but next time don't do that while I'm in the middle of singing. I don't like to sing in front of anyone." Chat and Ladybug went to go to sit at the edge of a building to watch the sunset. Chat felt Ladybug's head lean on his shoulder. A few seconds later chat heard Ladybug sniffing, he looked over to see that Ladybug was crying. "My Lady?",Chat said. Ladybug looked up at Chat with glimmering diamond blue eyes,"Oh! Sorry,is this too much?" Chat quickly answered,"Huh? Oh no not at all." Ladybug continued to watch the sunset with her head leaning on Chat's shoulder.  Ladybug picked her head up to the sound of her miraculous,it was her last dot so she had to get up and leave before she reverted.  Chat grabbed her arm and pulled her in to a kiss,a pink flashing light surrounded the two.  As soon as Chat let go he saw no one other than Marinette.  The weird thing was that there was a ringing sound,it sounded loud almost like an..."Alarm clock!",Marinette thought.'  Marinette jumped out of bed and got ready for school.  She waved her hand to Alya,Nino,and Adrien,"I can't believe we have testing all this week."  Alya and Marinette started to walk to their next class as Adrien and Nino walked to their class.  Since the boys class was in the other direction as the girls, Alya decided to talk about Marinette and Adrien,"So can you answer my questions about you and Adrien yet?"  Marinette let out a sigh,"No, not yet but soon."  The two left to their class and did testing the whole period.

I know the ending isn't the best but I didn't want to finish the whole story on this one chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a very long time but hopefully you all forgive me because this whole chapter itself was about 1420 words(not including this paragraph in bold). Also that last part about the testing was me complaining about the horrible testing we have to do this week. So keep that in mind(I have testing). Oh and one more thing, if you want to know when the dream started there are little things like commas but at the top,yes I did forget what those are called,but they look like this '. Also the name of the song that Ladybug was singing is-Armor by Landon Austin. Btw that is one of my favorite songs.🎧😊
Omg yay officially on summer break.  More stories coming soon!❤️
Till next time xoxo-Ladybug1077

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