Got My Nails Done and I Have A Bunch of Important News

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Ok so as the title says I got my nails done.  Idk if any of you can see the darker colored nail but it's a green base with a cat face.  Ok so yah know how I said I always do my nails in a miraculous theme, this time I chose Marichat.  Before I had Ladynoir for like the longest time.  Ok but anyway let's stop talking about my nails and get to some important news!  Well idk if it's important for you guys but hey, it's important for me.
1.Shout Out System
So for this I am getting a jar and labeling it 'my kitty cats' and it will have everyone's username who follows me in it and the ones that I pick will be the names I am giving a shout out to.
2.Stan Lee's Comikaze
My mom officially confirmed that I will be at Stan Lee's Comikaze so if any of you are going (you know what I look like in my ladybug cosplay) then feel free to stop me and ask some questions, take a pic, idk whatever you have in mind.  If you are going then comment saying you are so I have an official list of you guys. (ik most of you probably can't or won't be able to go so that's fine but still...)
3.I might do voice impressions from ML on my YouTube
This isn't official yet but if you want me to then comment.  I was also thinking about a cover of the theme song or reading scenes from my story.
4.Contacts For Cosplay
After asking my mom countless times she finally is going to let me wear contacts for my cosplay.  The date I'm getting the prescription for them is about a week after my birthday.  I'm also getting them the same day I'm getting the prescription, I'll do an update to show you guys.
5.Ladybug Earrings
I made my own Ladybug earrings about 2 days ago and they actually turned out pretty good.

Ladybug EarringsI made my own Ladybug earrings about 2 days ago and they actually turned out pretty good

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I won't be doing shoutouts this chapter because I want to make my kitty cat jar of the usernames first.  Thanks for 18k, you guys are the best! Ok well I just wanted to let you all know the news, now that I'm done announcing it's time for my catch phrase...
Till next time xoxo, Ladybug1077

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