Chat's Late Night Visits Begin

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Marinette was walking into the front door of her parents' bakery while feeling her cheeks, she realized that they were burning. Her lips were warm and savoring Adrien's taste. He tasted like fudge brownie batter at that moment.  Adrien was walking into his front gate as he felt his lips,they were warm.  He could still taste Marinette's perfectly curved lips, they tasted just like fudge brownie batter at that very moment.  Marinette was walking up the stairs to her bedroom.  Adrien wanted to see her but he couldn't just leave his house again, his father wouldn't let him. So what he decided to do was go to her as Chat.  Marinette was lying in her bed reading a book.  That was until she got interrupted by a tapping at her bedroom window.  Marinette was surprised but still managed to say,"Oh hi Chat I didn't know you were coming."  "Oh why hello purrr-incess",Chat purred out.  Marinette wondered why he was here,"Is there something you needed?"  Chat was simply shaking his head in disagreement while saying,"Not at all, I just wanted to see you." Chat started to miss the sweet flavor of fudge brownie batter. He knew she would have some of the taste on her delicate lips. Chat was thinking,"I can't kiss her, I'm chat not Adrien. What do I do? Wait, what am I saying her parents are bakers of course she will have some fudge brownie batter somewhere here, right?" "Hey Marinette do you by any chance have fudge brownie batter?",Chat asked. Marinette's thoughts went back to her kiss with Adrien,"It's a coincidence, right? I mean Adrien can't possibly be Chat noir. But what if he is Chat noir?" Now that she thought about it they both had blonde hair, green eyes, and Chat just out of no where asking for fudge brownie batter, seems odd. Marinette was unsure what to think but she had to answer Chat's question,"Um yeah let me get it for you." She walked down stairs and got the batter. She went back up to her room finding Chat noir looking through some of her video games,"Hey Chat I'm back and I got the batter." Chat looked up quickly and sat in her bed. He patted the spot next to him referring for her to sit there. She walked to her bed and sat next to Chat. She handed Chat the batter but before he put his spoon in he asked her if she wanted some and she said,"Yeah but I don't have any extra bowls right now so I can't. Unless if you don't mind then I could get an extra spoon and maybe I could share with you." Marinette blushed as she thought,"Wow, way to sound flirty. You have a boyfriend. Well not exactly, Adrien never said that we were a thing, it was just a measly kiss. Am I right?" Chat noir was the one blushing now,"Well um...Sure?" Marinette went down to go get another spoon and cam back up. Chat and Marinette both put their spoon into the bowl of fudge brownie batter.
A few minutes later...
They were finally finished with the fudge brownie batter.  Chat turned his face to look at Marinette.  Marinnete turned to look at Chat's face.  Only inches,wait no not inches centimeters apart.  That was until Chat moved in all the way to were there was no more space in between their face's.  Chat specifically told himself not to do it and what did he do, he kissed her that's what.  Chat pulled away but Marinette must have really wanted fudge brownie batter because she pulled him back into another sweet kiss.

Ok well that was chapter 3 for you all😊. Hope that you guys enjoyed. Sorry for the major dejavu I just couldn't help my self. Oh and at the beginning were they both felt their lips and their lips had a warm feeling and a sweet taste...did you all think that was the dejavu I was referring to. Lol it's ok if you did😂, my main point of that was so you wouldn't expect the Marichat kiss😎. Once again I was fighting myself to not put a cliff hanger. I let you all off easy this time. If your curious as to what I would have put as the cliff hanger read the following "Chat turned his face to look at Marinette. Marinnete turned to look at Chat's face..." But yeah I'm just being nice for now, when summer break comes for me that is when I'm going to start putting cliff hangers😏. Don't forget to follow me if you liked the story😊.
Till next time xoxo-Ladybug1077

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