Crystal Akuma

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After Ladybug landed on her balcony and detransformed, she tried to open her balcony window it then realized she had locked the window from the inside.  Her legs gave up and started to cry her eyes out.  Not long after an akuma came flying towards her, it flew into her earring.  Suddenly HawkMoth said,"Oh who do we have here, seems to me like somebody needs to take revenge on Chat Noir.  I'll grant you the power to bring back any past akumatized civilian and to teleport any where you need, you seem like you'd know how to trick paris's hero with those powers.  All I need in return is Chat Noir's miraculous, do we have a deal?"  Marinette said what any other akumatized person would,"Yes, HawkMoth."  A cloud of black went over Marinette.  HawkMoth said,"From now on you'll be called 'Crystle Akuma' (she basically looks like this⬇️⬇️⬇️)

  HawkMoth said,"From now on you'll be called 'Crystle Akuma' (she basically looks like this⬇️⬇️⬇️)

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After Marinette was turned into Crystle Akuma...
Chat started to head over to Marinette's house, he stopped when he saw something that looked like glass. Crystal Akuma was just staring into the night sky. Chat spied on her and thought,"It looks like a person but it can't be, I'll stay here to make sure it doesn't do anything to hurt Marinette." Just a few minutes later Crystal Akuma had thought of an idea to make Chat come,"I'll just cry out for him, he'll think Marinette is in trouble."  She cried out his name in (fake) despair. Chat took a step back which caused him to step on a twig. Crystal Akuma looked straight at him and said,"Aww look who it is, Chat Noir, Paris's so called 'hero'." She teleported herself on the same roof Chat was on.  Chat started to tear up, he couldn't speak. He had realized that he was looking into the eyes of his 'princess'. He tried to move closer but Crystal Akuma wouldn't let him, she moved back in protest.  Chat let a tear roll down his face when saying,"I don't want to fight you princess."  Crystal Akuma looked at him with a evil grin and spoke out,"Then don't...oh and I'm not your 'princess' anymore."  Now Chat's heart just felt like it had broke into a thousand pieces, he fell to his knees, he didn't want to fight her but he knew he had to.  Chat kept thinking,"Get the Akuma, win the battle, get your princess back."  He finally stood up and turned around, he saw a rope and got an idea.  He started walking in the other direction, right after Crystal Akuma scoffed and yelled out,"Ahem!  I'm not done with you just yet, come back here this instant!"  Chat quickly grabbed the rope and smirked while saying,"As you wish."  He came running at her and tied Crystal Akuma up.  Crystal Akuma tried to break free but she was stuck, no way out.  She suddenly got an idea, she sighed and called out,"Chat!  I'm so terribly sorry.  If I tell you why I got akumatized maybe you can fix it because then I'll have no negative emotion."  Chat thought about it for a second but then soon replied with,"Ok, tell me.  Why did you get akumatized?"  Crystal Akuma took a moment before answering, then took a deep breath and yelled out,"You!"  She pointed with her hand.  Chat was completely baffled he asked her,"How did you-"  She interrupted,"Break free?"  She pointed to one of the sharp crystals on her outfit.  Chat slapped his forehead realizing that he probably should've thought that through more.  Just as Crystal Akuma was about to attack him, Chat called her to a halt,"Wait!  Why are you mad at me?"  She scoffed once more and said,"Yeah, like you don't know.  I was there Chat!"  He remembered when Ladybug kissed him, he looked deep into her eyes and got close, this time she didn't move back.  He explained,"Listen, Ladybug kissed me, I told her that I liked someone else and she ran off."  The name Ladybug echoed in her thoughts, Crystal Akuma took full control over herself and ran off.  Her thoughts replayed and replayed,"Ladybug..."  She then realized that HawkMoth was taking advantage over her, she needed a way to get to him.  She called out his name, the Akumatized symbol appeared on her face, she somehow convinced HawkMoth to allow her to go to his lair.
At HawkMoth's Lair...
Crystal Akuma walked in hearing a deep voice say,"Why hello, Crystal Akuma.  I don't believe you have Chat's miraculous yet..."  She calmly said,"No HawkMoth, but with your help I might be able to take it from him."  HawkMoth rolled his eyes, turned to face her, and said sharply,"There is a reason why I granted you the power to bring back akumatized civilians."  Crystal Akuma spoke out again trying to explain,"But HawkMoth, they are so weak and to be completely honest, me and you are the only two villains who can actually take down Chat Noir. But we have to fight him together..." HawkMoth turned back around to face his window to think about something, Crystal Akuma was about to tackle HawkMoth but her plan failed. He took full control over her and stopped her before she could do anything. He laughed evilly and told her,"Why would I help you, you don't even care to take Chat Noir's miraculous. You were trying to trick me but truth is I've been tricking you this whole time." Crystal Akuma took enough control back to ask,"What?! How?!" Hawkmoth took back all control and said,"I knew you were Ladybug from the start, I was just waiting for the perfect moment to finally take control of you, take your miraculous, and become a powerful God.  The thing is, I don't really need you anymore so I'll just have to get rid of you. When that's done, I can take your miraculous." He made her break off one of her crystal wings, Crystal Akuma whimpered as the sides of the blade cut into her hand. She wanted to let go, she couldn't. Before she could even get a hold of reality, the blade struck deep into her core. She screeched and fell to the floor.  HawkMoth walked up to her and took her miraculous without a care.  He removed the akuma, which turned Crystal Akuma back into Marinette.  He told the akumas to bring her to elsewhere, they picked up Marinette and brought her to a roof far away from his lair.  After the akumas found a place to put her, they left and started heading back to HawkMoth.  Now Marinette was cold, alone, and bleeding out.  All she could and wanted to think about was Chat,"He was always there for me.  And what did I do, I didn't trust him.  I thought he liked someone else but that someone else was me."  She had only two choices, either she wait and bleed out or call out for Chat and hope that at this point was hope she hadn't ruined her trust with him.  She spoke out into the dead of night,"Chat..."  Deep down she felt that he hated her and just didn't want anything to do with her but she called out again and again.  Chat was helplessly looking around for his princess.  He was on a roof and heard someone saying his name.  He looked around and called out for Marinette.  She heard her name being called out, she was so relieved.  She continued to say his name.  Chat headed the way he heard his name being called, until he came across the roof that had Marinette on it.  There wasn't much light around so all he could see was her just lying down on the ground.  He walked over and saw that she had been stabbed.  He dropped to his knees and asked her what happened but she only replied with,"I-I-I'm sorry Chat."  With that she closed her eyes.  Chat's eyes became watery he pulled her close and said,"No,no,no.  This is all my fault. Open your eyes!  Please!  Please, Marinette, please!"
Gosh dang this took me forever to do.  Well how are you guys feeling about the new chapter😂😂?  For some reason I feel like no one is going to live through the whole chapter to even answer that.  Anyway, that was the hardest chapter for me to write😅.  I can't believe this is the longest chapter and there's a cliff hanger, it could've been longer without the cliff hanger😱, too bad there is one😆😈.
Shout out time!  Shout out to...
Purrfect_Purrincess (my friend has a shovel and gravestone btw, think you might need it)
(27k, you all are killing me, I'm gonna die!! Lol anyway, thanks so much! Btw, happy belated birthday to JordaCoola ,hope you had a miraculous day🎂🎂🎂)
Till next time xoxo, Ladybug1077

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