I Just Don't Know Anymore

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At school Marinette said hi to Alya. She would normally have a smile plastered across her face but today was different. She looked almost as if she had been missing something. That wasn't why she wasn't smiling or wasn't feeling at her best that day. It was because she knew that she felt like she was missing something and it wasn't Adrien because if she wanted to be Adrien's girlfriend she didn't even have to worry that much about it, she could just ask him and he would say of course. Marinette just had to think a little,"Well I know I'm not missing Adrien because honestly he basically kinda in some way is my boyfriend. So what am I missing? I just wish I knew instead of having to think through all of this."  She had been ignoring Adrien all that day and since it was Friday, she wouldn't have to see him the next day.
Later that night...
Marinette heard a light tap at her window, almost as if it were a certain kitty cat waiting there. It didn't really bother Marinette when Chat visited her, she actually kinda liked it. When she saw Chat at her balcony she got a weird feeling in her stomach, it felt like butterflies. Marinette opened the window and gradually let Chat into her bedroom. Chat greeted Marinette with a sweet kiss on her hand and said,"Why hello purrincess." Marinette hated how horrible his cat puns were but somehow they managed to make her laugh. Chat gave her a strange look and asked,"Why are you laughing princess, you never laugh at my puns." Marinette stopped laughing and replied,"I-I don't know. They suddenly became really a-adorable? I guess." She blushed at her own comment and tried to think of something to say that would cover up what she had said, but it was too late. Chat looked at her wide eyed and said,"Th-There a-adorable?" Now Marinette wasn't the only one feeling butterflies. Without thinking Marinette looked at him and nodded shyly while blushing. Chat and Marinette looked at each other for a few seconds until Marinette broke the silence asking,"Umm...Chat I-I need help w-with something. Like I don't know m-maybe you could help me make a really difficult d-decision?" Chat was curious as to what she would ask but he didn't want to make the wrong decision for her. He waited for a few seconds until finally saying,"Sure I guess I'll help." Marinette looked at him wondering if she should ask the question but she decided that since Chat doesn't know who ladybug is under the mask, that she would just wait till patrol tomorrow. Marinette asked him a random question and moved on. Chat noticed that she had just made the question up, he would ask her but he decided to respect her decision in not telling him. The weird thing out of that whole time Chat was there is that Marinette felt like she wasn't missing anything anymore.
Next morning...
Marinette got up and transformed into ladybug. She was sitting on a building looking at the Eiffel Tower. She soon heard a familiar voice from behind her asking if she just wanted to sit down somewhere since there weren't any akuma attacks this early in the morning. They went to a quiet spot to talk, soon after that ladybug asked,"Hey...um...Chat could I ask you a question?" Chat replied with a simple,"Yeah, sure." Ladybug looked nervous to ask the question but she still asked,"Umm...So if there is this guy and he really likes me and I well used to like him." Ladybug sighed but she tried to finish her question,"Well I guess what I'm trying to ask is that if I should go out with someone I used to like or someone I don't really know about but I like a lot." Chat tried to think of an answer to that and he finally found one,"Well I guess if you truly love the one who you don't know about you should go out with him but try to get to know him." Ladybug was surprised, Chat can actually give some really good advice sometimes.
Later that day...
Marinette started texting Alya-
M-Alya I can't do it anymore
M-I mean one is really funny,sweet,kind,flirty and the other one is charming,sweet,kind
A-Ok hold up who is who and what are you talking about
M-Just do me a favor and come here ASAP
Alya ran to Marinette's house and walked into her room seeing her tearing up slightly.  Alya ran toward her and said,"What happened girl?"  Marinette looked at her and said,"I just don't know anymore."  After Marinette said that Alya told her that she would be right back with some tissues.  Marinette heard the familiar tapping at her window so she went to go see him at her balcony.  Chat looked at her and saw that she had obviously been crying so he pulled her close and hugged her tightly.  Marinette pulled away just a tiny bit, she pulled away just enough so she could face Chat but not enough to to were she would fully escape the hug.  Marinette leaned in and kissed Chat, at fist Chat was surprised by her sudden actions, it wasn't like this for long in matter of fact Chat started to give her every bit of sweetness that she had gave him in that kiss.  Both Marinette and Chat were very passionate about the kiss that's why they hadn't noticed someone was watching them.  Well more like video taping...

Hey guys I know this chapter was really short but I have great plans especially since I left you all off on my first cliffhanger...I'm so proud of myself I mean I never thought I could ever leave my precious readers off on a cliff hanger...oh well😂. Lol sorry guys but it happened...the cliffhanger finally happened. Sadly this chapter was shorter because of the cliffhanger but no worries, the next chapter is going to be slightly longer...well that is if I don't put another cliffhanger *evil laughter in background*😈. But besides for that I really hope that you all enjoyed the story😊.  Oh and one more thing before I go...I just considered this a morphing into Marichat so I think I'm going to make a few that are actually full on Marichat.
//I checked how many views I have and omg 800! Literally that over half of 1k!  Thank you so much guys! I never even thought that I could get over 100. You all are really miraculous! ~ILYSM❤️//
Till next time xoxo-Ladybug1077

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