"Do You Trust Me"(Part 2)

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Chat moved up to the roof.  "Marinette, open your eyes."  When she did, she saw candles lit across the roof, a bouquet of white roses with highlights of pink on the top, and a red silky blanket with a guitar on top.  Marinette got a sudden memory of something similar, she couldn't remember much of it though.  Chat lead her to the blanket, spun her around, got down on one knee, and kissed her hand. Marinette was breath taken with what Chat has done.  They sat there and talked as if everything was normal.  Chat wanted it to be like this forever.  Chat looked at Marinette, seeing as her eyes lit up brighter than the city lights.  He put his hand in his pocket and grabbed out a box.  He got down on one knee, yet again, and spoke out,"Marinette would you promise to be with me forever.  Take this ring as a sign of my devotion to you.  Marinette, I love you so much, I would be honored if you'd accept this promise ring."  Marinette gulped and thought to herself,"Chat, I really love you but I can't.  I just can't."  Instead of saying what she had on her mind she said abruptly,"I want to go back."  Chat looked confused,"What?  Go back?  Where?"  Marinette just looked away and said,"Back home.  To my room.  The home that's right below us.  The room that's right below us.  I want to leave."  Chat nodded thinking that maybe she was just tired.
Next day after photoshoot...
Adrien turned into Chat and went to go see Marinette.  She quietly said,"I don't want to talk now."  With that, she closed her window.
Next day...
"I finally have time to myself."  Adrien thought.  He decides to go and have some time to think about why Marinette has been neglecting him lately.  Then he saw it, he saw his answer in plain daylight.  It was Marinette, his beautiful Marinette with a boy, holding his hand.  He felt a sudden ache it his chest.  He had it, he was going to see Marinette, nothing was stopping him.
Later At Marinette's Room...
Marinette sighed as she walked in the room.  She glanced over at her bed to see a tiny teddy bear holding a blue box with a white bow on it.  She started walking over to it.  She grabbed the box from the bear, opening it she saw a note.  On it read her name, she unfolded it.  She read the note quietly to herself,"Hi princess.  I know you don't want to hear from me but it's killing me.  I love you too much just to let you go like this.  I want to hear your sweet voice everyday from first thing in the morning to last thing before I go to bed.  I want to tell you who I am but I fear that you will be disappointed.  So I save my identity for another day.  I'm waiting for you now.  On the roof.  All you have to do is call my name out and I'll come to you.  I'll do anything for you princess, I'll do everything and anything beside for one thing and that's to stop loving you.  It's just something I can't do.  I would try but I don't see why anyone would ever want to.  So when you're ready, just call out my name.  I'll be here.  Sincerely, Chat."  She smiled a bit and looked down to the box, there was something else in there.  It was the ring that he tried to give her.  She picked it up softly and put it in her pocket.  She moved to the window, opened it, and called out for him.  Just as the letter said, he came.  Marinette couldn't help but smile,"I've missed you, kitty."  She chuckled softly and looked at him in the eyes.  Those green eyes, the thing that could make her swoon by just a glance.  He spoke,"I've missed you too.  Seeing you makes my life complete again.  She blushed.  Chat looked down to her hands, noticing that there wasn't the ring on her finger.  He dropped his smile and started to slowly back her up into the wall, pinning her.  Speaking with a firm tone he says,"Why haven't you been talking to me lately?  Is it because you like someone else?  Is it the boy in the park?"  Marinette squeezed her lips together trying not to let an answer come out.  Chat puts a smirk on his face saying,"Well I'll just have to find out this way."  She looks at him questioningly.  He licks her neck and purrs,"You taste so sweet."  She squeaks. "Mind if I have another taste?"  He licks her again.  He whispers steadily into her ear,"You said you love me.  Was it all a lie?"  She lets out an answer,"Ok maybe I like you."  Chat takes a nibble at her ear and whispers again,"A maybe?  Only a maybe?"  She lets a sigh out,"Ok, ok.  A little.  I like you a little.  He presses her against the wall harder with his body,"How about now?"  She bites her lip and holds her breath, every second pressure increasing between their bodies.  She spoke,"Yes ok, I like you, no I love you.  Now quit teasing me."  He picked her up and tossed her on the bed gently.  Beginning to walk out he says,"Sorry but thanks I needed that.  Marinette just sat there with a black face,"Wait!"  He started walking back toward her,"I want you to do something.  After all you did say you would do anything for me."  He tilted his head,"What shall I do for my princess?"  She took the ring out of her pocket,"I want you to redo what happened last time.  Except you know I won't run off. I just hope you haven't changed your mind."  He smiled,"It would be my honor."  She handed him the ring.  He got down on one knee holding out the ring,"Marinette would you promise to be with me forever.  Take this ring as a sign of my devotion to you.  Marinette, I love you so much, I would be honored if you'd accept this promise ring."  She quietly said,"I would love to accept it."  He stood up at the same time as Marinette, they hugged and looked into each other's eyes and kissed.

.....Hello there guys! It's been a while. So here's what happened....school. Lol but yeah school just ended which usually means stay up super late writing and reading Marichat. Here it is....happy ending(not ending). ONCE AGAIN-NOT ENDING. Just had to make that clear before everyone in the comments freaks. Anyways, guys I'm so glad to be back also I'm doing shoutouts again here we go....
Sorry if you still haven't gotten a shoutout, comment if you want one and I'll put it(only request for one if you haven't gotten one)
Till next time xoxo, Ladybug1077

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