Balcony Scene Predictions

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Ok so today I went out to eat with my mom and I started to tell her about the balcony scene⬇️⬇️⬇️
Next thing I know she's over here making boss af predictions on what will happen, here's what she said...(I kinda put some of my own ideas in there)
1)Alya and Nino set Mari and Adrien up
2)Mari kisses Chat when he visits her
3)Mari feels horrible and says the her and Adrien shouldn't go out anymore
4)Mari starts crying
5)Chat comes to see Mari but then sees she's crying so then he instead comforts her
6)Adrien thinks,"Oh that's why she broke up with me."
And yeah after that she didn't tell me anymore details.  But anyway I started dying after that like ya know the usual, breathing in and out rapidly because honestly I'm a dork who ships Marichat.  Ok that's all for now....wait
Me-*checks paper* Mom you spelt Adrien wrong. *sigh*
Mom-No that's how you spell Adrien.  That's how I spelt your brothers middle name.  A-D-R-I-A-N.
Me-😐ok then
(Thanks so much fur 30k reads ILYSM❤)
Ok now that's all.
Till next time xoxo, Ladybug1077

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