How Could You?! Part 2

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"How could you?"  Marinette said with a breaking voice.  Chat tried to tell her,"Marinette it's not my choice.  You know if I had a choice I would stay here, with you.  Maybe we can work something out."  She raised a brow,"So like sneaking out?"  Chat shook his head,"No I'm not asking you to do that, you would get in trouble."  Marinette didn't know what to do, she started shaking,"Chat, I don't want to leave you again.  Things are just absolutely crazy without you here."  He hated seeing her like that, it killed him.  He wrapped his arms around her, hoping it would calm her down.  But it didn't, it made her want to cry.  "I'll do all I can to get back to you, I promise.  I can't live my life without you."  Chat said resting his chin on her head.  He pulled away,"My driver is waiting for me, I'd better go now before he worries.  I love you Marinette, I will see you again.  I'll wait for you, as long as I have to.  Don't forget that, ok?"  She nodded,"Bye, Chat.  I love you too, and I won't forget."  He smiled and waved, then he was gone.  Suddenly Marinette's cousin comes in,"Marinette!  I have amazing news, you're going back to Paris!  Tomorrow afternoon!"  She continued the rest in a whisper,"Hopefully you can find your boyfriend.  Trust me, he'll be waiting for you."  Marinette's mouth was open,"Omg!  That's so amazing!  Also were you eavesdropping?"  She laughed,"Maybe..."  Mari shoved her then started to pack, she was so excited to go back.
Later At Paris...
"I'll get him Hawkmoth, don't worry."  After that followed an evil cackling.  She jumped from roof to roof looking for Adrien.  She spotted him, then swooped down to take him to Hawkmoth.  She began to fly with Adrien in her hands.  Once they were there she dropped him on the floor and tied him up.  Adrien tried to get loose but he was tied tightly, he couldn't turn to Chat either because she put tape over his mouth.  Nothing was free, his feet were tied as well.  Muffled noises came from his mouth.  He was alone, no one there until the girl came back.  She had black, curly hair, grey eyes, with just the tiniest hint of blue, and freckles that gave her a sense of innocence.  She had a mask, almost identical to hawkmoth.  She looked like a female version of him sort of.  She walked closer to Adrien,"Hawkmoth will be here soon.  But first I'm going to have a conversation with you."  She then ripped the tape off his mouth.  He groaned in pain,"Who are you?"  She laughed,"Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself.  I am Silver Moon.  Now back to our conversation, I have news about that girlfriend of yours.  She's coming back!  How exciting right, haha, wrong.  You see she is going to be in quite a lot of danger now that we have you here, no one to help her.  She'll be looking for her ever so precious Chat Noir but little does she know, we have him."  He turned red in anger and moved around trying to get out,"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!"  Silver Moon smiled, knowing she had the advantage,"Or else?  You're trapped!  Forgot already I see.  Now, I have a little something more to tell you, it's about Marinette, again.  How should I put this, oh who am I kidding I'll just say it,  she's Ladybug!  Adrien didn't have words.  He just thought about it,"She's ladybug?  Oh Mari."  "Aww what poor kitty, did you realize that your precious girlfriend isn't all you wanted.  Gee, just after you got over ladybug.  Haha oh well.  I'll be taking care of her."  She teased.  Hawkmoth comes in,"Silver, I have business to attend to, I'm sure you can handle taking over for a bit."  He left.  "Look at that, I'm in charge!  Ha!  Well let's see,  your special little ladybug should be here now!" She sends out tons of akumas to find Marinette.  Adrien realized he could turn into Chat,"Plagg, claws out!"  He used his nail to cut the rope.  He fought Silver off then tied her up, now he had to stop the other akumas.  They would turn random civilians into akumatized villains.
While Chat Is Fighting...
"You'll never find me silly cat, but I can always find your precious Marinette."  It was a pair of twins, they had a power similar to Volpina's.  They could make replicas of themselves though the replicas wouldn't be real.  It confused Chat, it reminded him of those mirror mazes they had at fairs.  He was so focused on finding the real twins that he didn't see what was behind him.  It was a different villain, they snuck behind him and used a blade to stab him in the back.  She went close to his ear,"You'll never see her again, who am I'll never see anything again.  You, you will be long gone."  She took the blade out and dropped him.  Chat groaned, he was too weak to cry out for help.  He kept thinking,"I can't call out, I'm the hero I should be stopping this."  He then closes his eyes.
Master fu sighed in relief as Adrien opened his eyes,"You have to be more careful.  You almost died, without me there, you would've."  Adrien started to gain memory as to what was going on,"Who are you?"  The man laughed,"It's about time we met, Chat Noir.  I am master fu."  On the outside Adrien made it seem as tho he knew what was going on but he hadn't the slightest idea, he just wanted to know if his Marinette was ok,"Is she..."  Master fu nodded,"Yes Adrien she is fine, they almost brought her to Hawkmoth.  Luckily I was able to fight off the akumas."  Adrien asked if he could see her, he had already explained that he knew she was Ladybug.  Master fu debated the idea but he finally decided that he had to know she was ok,"I suppose she can see you but she doesn't know your secret.  You have to turn into Chat.  You have to tell her that you are Adrien.  I also forgot to mention she's here, in the other room."  Adrien turned to Chat while master fu went out to get Marinette.  She walked into the room, tearing up at Chat.  She jogged over to him,"Chat!  You almost died, don't ever get into anything like that again."  She sobbed on the edge of the bed.  Chat smiled,"Princess, I did it to save you."  His smile faded when he saw a couple of bruises on her, then continued his sentence,"Why do you have bruises?  What did they do?"  He was burning with anger.  Mari calmed him,"Chat that doesn't matter.  I'm ok, I'm with you.  That's all that matters, ok?"  He nodded, then patted the bed implying for her to lay with him.  She stood up,"Chat, no, you need this bed more than I do."  Chat came up with a sly answer,"Please, Marinette you're the only thing that can heal me."  Marinette laughed,"Wow, even when in pain you sure can still flirt."  She lied down next to him.  They just laid there enjoying each other's warmth and comfort.  When suddenly Chat broke the silence,"Marinette, close your eyes and don't open them till I say."  She did as he said, she closed her eyes,  even with her eyes closed she could still see the flashing green light symbolizing that he was de transformed.  Marinette shook her head,"No, Chat.  You don't have to do this."  "But I want to."  He grabbed her hand and kissed it.  She replied with,"I can't.  I'm too scared to Chat."  He whispered in her ear,"Come on.  Don't be.  I've been holding this secret for too long now, I want to show you the real me."  She sighed and opened her eyes,"Adrien?"  He smile,"Yeah, it's me.  Adrien."  "Marinette, I have just one thing to ask, are you Ladybug?"  She got up,"How did you-?"  He stopped her,"Hawkmoth's assistant told me."  She was red,"You aren't disappointed?"  He held her hand,"Why would I be?  You're perfect, Marinette.  Remember I fell in love with the real you?  Real question though is, aren't you disappointed it was me?  You got over civilian me long ago."  Marinette held his cheek,"We both know that was never the real you."  They both laughed and hugged each other, glad to finally know the real person behind the mask.

Omg!  This was the last official part to this book, now I did say that I wouldn't quit this book just to write my other one, but what I didn't tell you all is that the book was going to finish and the only reason I started writing the other one was because I wanted to have a book ready for when I end this.  I really loved writing this, it was quite an experience, an amazing one I can guarantee you all that.  I just want to thank all of you who stood by me even through long periods of waiting.  I'm sorry for the unannounced ending btw.  I really hate to end it but a friend made me realize that the thoughts in the back of my head were right, I don't want to make the book dragged out.  Since I never completely explain what happened at the end, they defeated Hawkmoth and Silver, in this fic Hawkmoth isn't Gabriel it's actually anyone you want him to be, so sure I suppose it can be Gabriel, a relative of Adrien's, or just a random dude.  For just about the millionth time now, I'm sad to say it but good bye to this book.  If you want more from me read my other book, something about you.  There's a chapter in progress as we...well I write...or is it you read?
Au revoir, Ladybug1077

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