(Part 1 of 2)What?! No She Cant Be...

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Just a relapse of what happened in the previous chapter...
He dropped to his knees and asked her what happened but she only replied with,"I-I-I'm sorry Chat."  With that she closed her eyes.  Chat's eyes became watery he pulled her close and said,"No,no,no.  This is all my fault. Open your eyes!  Please!  Please, Marinette, please!"
Chat had to think quick, he raced across every rooftop with Marinette in his arms. Once he got to a hospital he ran in and cried for help. The doctors ran to her and put her in a stretcher. One of the nurses had a clipboard in her hand and asked Chat what had happened he said,"I don't know, I tried asking her but her eyes closed before she even got to answer." The nurse nodded and asked Chat another question,"Do you know who this girl's parents are?" he nodded sniffling. The nurse told Chat to go to her parents and tell them that she is in the hospital. Chat nodded once again and ran out to get Marinette's parents.  On the way there he kept thinking,"What do I tell them?  'Yeah, well, see...your daughter got turned into an Akuma and somehow got stabbed.'  Ugh I just feel so-so-so guilty.  I should've ran after her when she left and now I don't even know what I'm going to do if s-she's..."  Just the thought of Marinette being dead made Chat teary eyed.  He continued to think as he made his way to Marinette's bakery.
At Marinette's bakery...
Chat opened the bakery door, making the little bell at the top of it jingle.  Sabine walked to the front of the bakery to see Chat sniffling.  Sabine walked over to Chat and said,"Oh, Chat Noir, what happened?" Chat opened his mouth, he spoke quietly,"She's hurt. It's all my fault." Sabine heard his quietly spoken sentence and asked,"Who?"  He had no other choice, he had to say it,"Marinette."  Sabine was shocked, she thought Marinette was upstairs.  Chat looked at his feet, he didn't have the courage to look at her eyes. It was silent until Sabine asked Chat what happened. He broke,"I-I don't even know. The only thing I know at this point is that she's in terrible pain and that...I...I...I love her." Sabine gasped and looked at Chat saying,"Is this true?" He blushed lightly,"yeah." Sabine looked shocked at his words, "B-but she never told us about you..."  Chat looked up and looked into her eyes, "I-I'm sorry..."  Tom started to walk down the stairs.  Chat got intimidated, he was always scared that Tom would never approve when Marinette decided to finally tell him.  Now that Marinette was hurt, and because of him, what would he think now?  Sure he was a hero, but a hero means danger as well.  Tom was about to say something to sabine until he noticed that Chat was standing in their bakery.  Tom looked questioningly at Chat,"What is he doing here?"  Sabine was about to tell him but Chat asked if he could speak to Tom in private.  Chat moved to the corner of the room with Tom following him,"Y-your um daughter, she's uh she's hurt."  Tob raised an eyebrow and walked over to Sabine to ask her if it was true.  She nodded.  Tom looked back at Chat and asked him,"Where is she?"  That's the moment were Chat knew that his life was over,"The h-hospital." Tom stepped back,"Wh-what do you mean?" Chat looked down again, "I'm so sorry..."

Tada haha finally finished with the help of my wonderful furrend, Escape_Reality24 ,she is absolutely amazing.  She gave me the wonderful idea of having another cliff hanger, just with a shorter chapter.  Although this is good news because now the next chapter will come earlier than it would be.  Thanks to all of you who have waited for me to finish.  (Omg 33k thanks so much kittens ILYSSSSSM)
Shout outs

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