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Luke's POV

Mama and Katie picked up right where they left off. They have been talking and laughing since we walked in the door. I wouldn't want it any other way though. We are all hanging out in the kitchen and talking while Mama starts dinner.

"Are you sure you don't need any help Leclaire?" Katie asks Mama.

"Yes sweetie. Thank you for asking." Mama says as she puts rolls in the oven.

Once dinner is done, Katie and I help clean up the kitchen.

"Well Mama, I think we are going to head off to bed." I tell Mama kissing her on the cheek.

"Goodnight baby. Y'all sleep good. I'll see ya in the morning." Mama says hugging Katie.

"Thank you for bringing me here Luke. I really needed this." Katie says as we climb in bed.

"I told you that there was nothing to worry about it." I say kissing her.

It's not too long before we are both asleep.

We woke up this morning and had breakfast with Mama and now we are on our way back to Atlanta. I have sound check in a couple hours and we should be at the arena in in an hour. Katie has fallen asleep on my arm that is resting on the center console. I look down at her and I can't help but think about how lucky I am. I'm incredibly blessed that she came back into my life.

Katie's POV

Luke never ceases to amaze me when he is up on that stage. The way he works the whole crowd and all the girls scream, for some reason, puts a smile on my face. I thought I would be jealous of the girls always screaming and trying to touch him, but I'm not. It makes me proud to see how far he has come. He really is living out his dream. When the show ended Luke runs of stage and over to me.

"Each show is better than the last baby." I tell him as he reaches me and gives me a sweaty hug.

"I think that it helps when you are here." He says with a wink as he pulls away.

"Come on babe. If you're gonna love on me, you need a shower." I tell him with a laugh as I wipe my hands on my jeans.

Luke takes my hand in his and we head back to the bus.

Carter and Nina decided to ride to the next city with us, which is great because we always have fun together.

"So have you and Luke picked a wedding date yet?" Nina asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Honestly, we haven't even really talked about it." I tell her as I watch Luke and Carter play Xbox.

"I think either a beach wedding or a fall wedding would be great for y'all." She says with a huge smile.

"Is prefer a fall wedding, but like I said, we haven't talked about it." I remind Nina.

The guys start yelling at their game and that puts a stop to the wedding talk for now. I get up and go into mine and Luke's room and close the door. I go and sit down on the bed and take a deep breath. Talking to Nina about the wedding just makes me think about the fight with my parents. I should be talking wedding things with my mom. I just wish her and my dad supported my decision. I am 28 years old. I can handle it.

"I agree with you baby. A fall wedding sounds great." Luke says when I ask him about it.

"What if we get married the weekend before Thanksgiving? You won't be working and the family will already be in town anyway." I say making a suggestion.

"I think we just picked a date baby." Luke says with a smile as he walks up and kisses me. Let the wedding planning begin.

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