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Katie's POV

Bo is now 4 years old and I am pregnant with our second son. 7 months pregnant to be exact. I'm home with Bo and setting up the nursery while Luke is out starting his Farm Tour. I'm putting the bedding in the crib when my phone starts ringing. I smile to myself when I see Luke's name and picture on the screen.

"Hey baby! How are you?" I say cheerfully when I answer the phone.

"Baby, don't panic. But I was out on my bike and I was hit by a motorcycle. I'm ok, but I broke my clavicle." He says calmly.

"Oh my God! Where are you? I'm coming to you?" I say a little louder than I wanted to.

After a few minutes of bickering, he finally told me that he is in Indiana. I call Nina and ask her if she will watch Bo for a couple days so I can be with Luke. She agrees and I book the first flight out tomorrow morning.

When I get to Indiana, Kerri, is waiting for me at baggage claim.

"He's on the bus sleeping and is still insisting on doing the show tonight." Kerri says as we start driving to where Luke is.

"Is he ok? I mean, he tells me that he is but I know that he will tell me what I want to hear so I won't worry." I ask her hoping she will be honest.

"Well, his arm is in a sling but the doctor said he will need surgery."

I take a deep breath and lay my head back against the seat. After what feels like the longest 15 minutes, we are pulling up to the buses.

Luke's POV

I'm half asleep in my bed on the bus, when I hear the door open.

"Luke, baby, I'm here." I hear Katie say as she sits on the bed next to me.

I open my eyes and she has a single tear running down her cheek.

"Hey, why are you crying? I told you I was fine." I tell her with a smile using my good arm to wipe her tears.

She doesn't even say a word, she just leans down and kisses me.

"I love you Luke." She says pulling away.

"I love you too Katie Ann."

After telling Katie a million times that I was ok, she finally agreed to let me perform tonight. I've already called and set up my surgery for the day after tomorrow. I'm ready to go home for awhile and get ready for the baby to get here. Katie and I are sitting on the bus and I'm laying in her lap talking to the baby, when there is a knock on the door.

"Luke, we are ready for you! Show time!"

I get up and help Katie and we make our way towards the stage. I'm feeling a little sick because I didn't eat when I took my pain meds. I put a smile on my face so I don't worry Katie, and walk out on stage. Let's just hope I don't fall. I don't need anymore broken bones.

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