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In my dreams – two

“Haz, can you make me pancakes?” Louis whispers in his ear.

“’M sleeping”, Harry groans.

“No, you’re not. If you’d been sleeping, you wouldn’t be talking to me.”

“Quit being such a smartass at nine in the morning”, Harry says. He tries to sound angry but he fails miserably because he can’t ever be angry with Louis.

“So you’re awake.” Harry can hear the smile in Louis’ voice. “Please, Haz? I really want pancakes.”

“Did you know you’re awfully annoying at nine in the morning?”

“I know. Please?” There’s a heavy weight on Harry’s chest and a pair of lips kissing his closed eyelids. “Pretty please?” Harry feels his boyfriend’s breath hit his face and he smiles without even noticing.

“I want a kiss first.”

“I can do that. Pancakes after?”

“Yeah, pancakes after.” And then there are lips on his and God, he loves Louis so much it’s unreal. But the kiss doesn’t last long enough and Louis is pulling back with a grin on his face and Harry is pouting.

“Time for breakfast”, Louis says and he pulls back the covers so Harry gets greeted by a gush of cold air.

“’S cold”, he frowns.

“You’ll warm up behind the stove.” And yeah. Louis is a menace but Harry loves him so it’s okay.

“You’re an idiot.”

“I know. Come on, up you get. I’ll take a shower with you after?” Louis juts out his bottom lip and he knows he’s very good at bribing Harry.

“Fine, fine.” And Harry gets up. The things he does for this boy…

“Love you babe”, Louis says. He kisses Harry’s cheek and skips out the room. Harry hears Amber bark downstairs and he smiles. Right. They adopted Amber yesterday. He completely forgot about it. Feeling too lazy to actually get dressed yet, he puts on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt because it’s pretty cold. Yeah, that’s kind of logical – it’s almost December.

When he descends the stairs, he’s greeted by the sight of Louis holding Amber and dancing around with her. It’s endearing, really.

“Lou, pancakes”, he yawns and Louis turns around.

“Didn’t think you’d be down this fast.”

“You promised me a shower”, Harry grins.

“You are one dirty minded man, Harry Styles.”

“I know.” Louis follows him into the kitchen, Amber still in his arms. “Lou, put Amber down, I don’t want dog hairs all over my kitchen.”

“She’s a good doggy, aren’t you?” his boyfriend coos to the dog.

“Yeah, very good but just put her down.” Louis pouts at him but puts Amber down nevertheless. She runs off into the living room.

“Are you sure you want a dog?” Louis asks, wrapping his arms around Harry’s waist from behind when he’s making the dough for the pancakes.

“Yes”, Harry sighs, “I just don’t want dog hairs in my kitchen. It’s very unhygienic and I don’t think you want them in your food either.”

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now