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the stories we love best live in us forever. ❞ -J.K. Rowling

In my dreams – thirteen

"Louis, help me!" 

"No, Harry. You're on your own this time." In some way, Louis doesn't sound and look like himself but who else could it be? "I'm your prettiest dream", Louis smiles. He looks even more gorgeous than normal but somehow, it makes him scarier. "And your worst nightmare."

"Lou, please get me out of here", Harry pleads. He's fallen down a well and he had been screaming for what seemed like hours when Louis' face appeared in the opening of the well. 

"I told you you were on your own." He slowly starts moving away, out of Harry's sight. 

"Don't go! Don't leave me!"

"Everyone will leave you one day, Harry Styles." Harry screams when a strong pain pierces through his skull and for a moment, he feels like his skull is going to split in two. A smoky but glittering image pops up in front of his eyes. It's Louis, the scary version of Louis, with a gorgeous girl. It takes Harry a moment to recognize her as his sister Gemma. 

"Gemma?" he whispers.

She smiles spookily. "Yes, little brother. It's me. Louis has never loved you. It's always been me. Maybe, had you listened to our parents, Louis might have loved you. But he doesn't." The serene smile looks scary on her too-pretty face but it's her words that hurt the most. Despite everything, Harry still loved his sister. She'd never done anything to hurt him intentionally. Or so he thought. Louis leans in and kisses her passionately. 

"Don't", Harry whimpers. They don't stop. 

"You will never be loved, Harry Styles", a voice whispers in his ear and the water level in the well starts rising quickly, washing away the image of Louis and Gemma kissing.

"Help me!" Harry gurgles helplessly, water washing over his face, into his mouth, nose, eyes. There's water everywhere. "Help!" he manages to bring out and he swallows a large gulp of water. And he blacks out.


Harry shoots up straight in bed, covers falling off and sending a gust of cold air to his body. He shivers, both from cold and because he’s scared. Scared of the possibility that Louis never loved him. He knows his dreams are just his mind playing with him, but there’s a little nagging voice in the back of his head, questioning Louis’ love for him. Was it all real? the voice whispers. Or was he just playing with you, toying with your emotions only to leave you broken? Maybe this was his plan all along, Harry. Maybe he never trusted you.

“Stop it!” Harry screams into the empty night sky. Outside, the moon seems to be smiling at him. He jumps out of bed and plonks down in the chair near the desk. He stares at his pillow as though it might give him answers. Answers to the questions he will never ask. Because he trusts Louis. And he would trust Louis with his life.

And so, he falls into a restless sleep with his head on his desk. 


"H, you know it's bad for your neck to fall asleep on your desk. Just try getting to the bed next time, yeah?" The voice sounds familiar but Harry doesn't immediately recognize it. "Harry!" Someone is shaking his shoulder and he lifts his head dazedly. 

The person he sees is not the person he expected to see. "Louis?!"

"Hi babe", Louis says softly.

Harry shoots up straight and jumps out of his chair. "I'm dreaming. This is impossible. You're not here. You're not actually here. It's just another dream." He paces around his room with dream-Louis (or real Louis?) watching him.

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now