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look out to the future, but it tells you nothing so take another breath. your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you.  Icarus is flying too close to the sun. Icarus's life, it has only just begun. ❞ -Bastille (Icarus)

 In my dreams – twenty-two

Harry needs some time to let the engagement sink in. In fact, it’s been several days and he still can’t believe Louis said yes. A tiny part of him wonders if Louis would’ve said yes when he hadn’t been a creation of Harry’s mind but Louis seems as happy about the engagement as Harry is. So that’s good. Right?

Harry shakes himself out of his thoughts. Of course Louis didn’t just say yes because he’s a figment of Harry’s imagination. He knows Louis loves him, a lot.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Louis whispers, shielding his eyes from the morning sun.

“Nothing, just thinking.”

“Whatever you’re thinking, they’re no happy thoughts. You look like something’s bothering you.”

“It’s nothing.” But when Louis looks at him seriously (albeit with very sleepy eyes), he gives in. “I was a bit scared you said yes because I created you to love me.” He says it as fast as possible, like ripping off a plaster in one move.

Louis chuckles softly, fondly. “Of course not, babe. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That’s why I said yes. Not because I’m a figment of your imagination. Now go back to sleep, love. It’s too early.” He kisses Harry and curls up next to him again. They’re both asleep in seconds.

Something’s wrong when he wakes up, Harry realizes. It takes him a few seconds before he can place the strange feeling he has. Louis is gone again. And the engagement ring is lying on Louis’ pillow, staring at him and taunting him. He stares at it numbly for a while. If even getting engaged doesn’t work, what does? How can he keep Louis with him? He sees no other possibilities. Harry picks up the ring and puts it on the nightstand before texting Ashton. He’s gone again, I don’t know what to do.

Ashton replies about ten seconds later. I’ll be right there, don’t do anything you’ll regret xxx .

Harry knows he won’t but he feels so numb, so empty. He drags himself out of bed and to the kitchen. Last time Louis disappeared, he spent his time writing but he’s not sure it will help this time. They got engaged, for fuck’s sake and Louis is gone again. He makes a bowl of cereal for himself and sits down on the sofa.

Ashton lets himself in not even ten minutes later and sits down next to him. He doesn’t say anything, just wraps his arms around him and Harry lets himself be hugged by his best friend. “I thought he’d stop disappearing”, Ashton says softly. “You know, now that the two of you are engaged and all.”

“I thought so too. Guess we were wrong.”

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Just sit with me for a while, please.” And that Ashton does.

After a long silence, Ashton speaks again. “Doesn’t writing help? Maybe you can write a little story about a date with Louis or something like that.”

“Yeah, I could try”, Harry says, “but I don’t like writing as much anymore as I did before Louis came to live. So I don’t wanna keep writing the rest of my life just to keep Louis with me. Of course I want to keep Louis with me but-” He’s tripping over his own words but when he takes a look at Ashton, he sees his best friend knows what he means.

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz