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❝ if this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice 'cause you've been taking up my mind ❞ - One Direction (little white lies)

In my dreams – fifteen

Harry loves Christmas Eve, but he loves Christmas morning just as much.

It’s the day they wake up in a big pile of limbs and blankets.

It’s the day they eat breakfast together with sleepy eyes and bad morning breath.

It’s the day they exchange gifts and thank each other for the gifts they’ve received.

It’s the day the lights of the Christmas tree seem to shine just a little brighter, as bright as Harry’s eyes when he lets it sink in that his friends are here, spending time with him.

It’s the day Harry treasures and of which the memories he keeps close to his heart.

It’s his favourite morning of the year. And it’s even better when it goes exactly as he likes it. But what he didn't expect was that he'd have a text message from Gemma when he wakes up. So he stares at his phone for several moments. He didn't even know she had his number but then again, he hasn't bought a different phone in the past few years so his number hasn't changed.

"H, why are you looking at your phone as though it might explode?" Ashton asks, sitting up straight on the pile of air beds and human bodies. He kicks Luke in the shin in the process but he doesn't stir, just grumbles a little and continues sleeping.

"I have a text message from Gemma!" he whisper-shouts back.

 "Well go on, open it! What does it say?"

Harry opens the message and first reads Gemma's text, then repeats it out loud to Ashton. "She wishes me a merry Christmas and hopes we can meet up soon", he says in a daze. Of course, he knows Gemma doesn't hate him like the rest of his family does but it still comes as a bit of a surprise that she wants to see him again.

"That's great, isn't it?" Ashton says.

"Yeah, it is", Harry says, still a bit dazed.

"You look surprised that your own sister wants to spend time with you."

"I am a little surprised, yeah. What should I text back?"

"Harry, seriously. She's your sister and you're a grown man, texting someone is not that difficult. Jeez."

"What? I've never texted anyone except for you and Niall!"

"Oh Harry", Ashton says and he shakes his head. In the pile of limbs and pillows, Louis mumbles Harry's name so Harry texts Gemma back quickly and crawls back to his boyfriend, whose feet are stuck underneath Niall's back and Luke is lying half on top of Niall, arm slung over Ashton's lap. The other three are still asleep, not woken up by Harry and Ashton talking.

"Let's just sleep some more", Ashton says.

"Good idea, as it's only six in the morning", Harry yawns.

"That early?" Ashton groans.

"I know. Sleep well, Ash."

"Night Haz." And they sleep some more.

The next time he wakes up, the sun is shining into Harry's eyes and Louis is on top of him, spread out like a starfish. Niall's foot is stuck underneath his hip and Luke is snoring loudly.

"Morning", Ashton smiles brightly. He's got a pan and a spatula in his hand and there's a plate of damping pancakes already on the table.

"Why so chirpy?" Harry moans, shielding his eyes from the sun.

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now