❅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴀsᴋs ❅

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❅ IMD character asks (in the order I received them) 

Q – Louis: how do you feel about Harry being depressed when you were away?
A – I absolutely hate it. And it’s so strange because I’m still with Harry, sort of, so I don’t miss him because he’s with me but Harry –the real one– is all alone in his flat without me and he misses me so much. He even dreamt about me and he refused to believe I was real at first, when I returned to him. I wish he’d find a way to cope when I’m gone because I’ve got the feeling it will happen again. But do know that Haz will do anything he can to have me return to him.

Q – Luke: do you get jealous of Harry and Ashton?
A – Sometimes a little, yeah. But I’ve seen how much Harry loves Louis and vice versa. I know Harry and Ash are best friends and nothing more but there’s a little nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps warning me for the moment Ashton tells me he’s with Harry. Ash tries to talk me out of it and I believe him when he says he loves me and only me but there’s a tiny part of me that doesn’t want to believe him and I can’t help it.

Q – Ashton: are you afraid what will happen if Louis disappears again?
A – A little, yeah. I know Louis talked to him and told him he had to take care of himself if he disappeared again but I’m not so sure if he actually will take care of himself. He’s a big mess without Louis. Honestly, most of the time it’s sickening to watch the two of them together but I wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Harry wrote Louis to complete him and that’s exactly what Lou does. Not to mention the other way around. Louis loves Harry just as much.

Q – Marlou/author: does what Harry write feel real to Louis?
A – Yes, it does. What Harry write is part of Louis’ reality – until he gets to Harry’s universe and Harry tells him it’s something he wrote. Try to imagine that someone controls you, writes about you. Someone from above, if you wish. Anything you think or feel or experience in this life, at this moment feels real. Now try to imagine being transported to another universe and meeting the person from above, who tells you everything you have ever thought, felt or experienced was written by them. Strange, isn’t it? So yes, it feels real c:

Q – Louis: What does it feel like to be a fictional character? Do you believe your thoughts are your own now?
A – It doesn’t feel very different from being ‘real’, I guess. It’s just a shock to meet your writer, as it’s not something that occurs very often. I know my thoughts are my own as soon as I’m with the real Harry, but I sometimes worry if Harry can read my mind or anything. I know he can’t, but he’s got to have at least an idea of what I’m thinking. But yeah, I know Harry has no influence on my thoughts anymore now so it’s all good c:

Q – Louis: Do you ever want Harry to change something about you? If so, what? And would you ever ask him to change something about you?
A – I really, really wish he hadn’t made my tummy and my thighs this chubby and maybe had my height a little altered (which means taller, Harry, not smaller) but I think he did quite okay so I’m fairly happy with myself. I don’t think I’d ask him to change anything about me, as much as I’d want to. I’d turn out like a Barbie doll for sure.

Q – Louis: how do you really feel about the fact that Harry created you?
A – It sure is a little creepy but as long as I don’t think about it, everything’s good. No, really, I try to think of it as little as possible because it’s really just creepy. Oops.

Q – Harry: would you ever create a boyfriend for one of your friends and hope they come to life like Louis?
A – If I ever were to create someone for Niall, for example, I don’t think I’d be the right person to do it. That would be Niall himself as I don’t know what Niall truly looks for in a girl (or a boy, I’m not one to judge), hence I can’t write about them. I’d like to do it, of course, but I don’t think I’d get it right.

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